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Bismark & Invasion of England


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Having trashed France and the Low countries I prepared for the invasion of England.

Major mistake in preparation, when I ordered the transports to move I had Manstein and Rundstedt, 6 armies, 6 corps and 3 tank corps. On landing I had nowhere to put everything and some transports had to sit offshore and that was while my navy went beserk in the North Sea to protect them and aircraft in the South to threaten the Royal Navy there.

In the end I had real trouble getting all ashore simply because it was too crowded, but they'd all taken damage.

My naval attack was a great success though, coming out through the Baltic Straits with a sub, the two cruisers and my nice shiny new battleship Bismark. Swift battle ensued and while I lost the cruisers and the sub, Bismark ruled the waves, sinking the RN carrier, a cruiser and a battleship. Bismark then repaired and headed into the channel to take out another RN ship sinking transports and then bombarded a British army corps to obliteration. The Raf bombed Bismark and she returned to port to repair with 1 point leftto her.

While in port a sneaky RN cruiser (i think) sneaked through my transports and defending aircraft and blew up my great ship in port. A sad end to a fine ship.

But I think I got my money's worth out of her!

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