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Good Time Game

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Hey all, I wanted to tell ya a little SC story that happened this weekend. And recommend you try this way of playing it if you can.

We ran a couple team games on saturday.

Game one we had a full compliment of players, there was a Russian, German, Italian, Franco-British and an American. And no, I wasn't the Russian I was the British.

This was lots of fun. You should have seen the italian player pleading for his life when the american landed in sicily and started plodding towards rome. "Just bypass rome and go on into germany!" was his attempt to save italy. Only to have Britian come in and snatch rome before the americans got there. Gotta to love those carriers.

I think I upset the russian player. The germans had stalled him on a line two hexes from berlin. So my troops vaulted from holland and with massive air and carrier support. They entered berlin just as he reached the gates.

Only glitch we had during the game was the Italian accidentally bought Germany an army that he didn't want.

Germany was defeated in 10 hours of play (could have been quicker but we had a unit meeting and dinner in there). Defeat was due to lack of agressive play on Germany's part.

Game 2 was the late night game, and we had only a Franco-american, British, Russian and Axis. No I wasn't the russians in this one either. I had to play the axis. No one else wanted to after their defeat in the early game.

This game ended in a couple hours with the western allies surrendering before the Americans and Russians entered.

This game was funny cause the French player got mad at the British Player when he "borrowed" the french navy to go chase u-boats. "Use your own &^%#Q navy!" was I believe the exact quote I heard.

Team play is a lot of fun, and I would love to see SC have a team play option so that each player could take their turn without being able to move others units or accidentally purchase units for their allies.

A good time was had by all! Some of the guys are going to order the game now that they have played the full version.

Oh and our WWII Red Army reenacting unit did gets it's yearly business meeting done too. ;)

So if you get a chance try a team game.

And thanks to those involved for a fun game on behalf of the entire 416th Rifle Regiment!

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this brings back wonderful memories of multi-players games of 3rd Reich...I suddenly have a taste for some cold pizza and lukewarm Coca-cola!!

Your right about the great fun to be had on multi-players sessions its hard to beat.

Just bypass Rome indeed!!!! :D

And that french admiral must have been a secret nazi-sympathizer.....have him shot. Why else is the french navy there but to help crush the axis naval power and thus gain valuable time and security for Britain while waiting for the war in the east to start.

great post !

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Yeah, the whole "Bypass Rome" thing was a riot. A young lad (23 to me is young) was the italian player for that game, and he was just begging and pleading to cut a deal with anyone except the americans.

He wanted to keep the Americans stalled in the mountains south of Rome. He was doing a great job until the Red Army was closing in from the east and the british had taken vichy.

So what I did as the British player was extremely gamey. I declared war on switzerland. I knew the german was desparate to plug holes in the eastern front, and he did exactly what I had hoped for. He told the italians to defend switzerland as he operated the swiss armies out to the eastern front.

Well unfortunately italy couldn't afford to defend switzerland as they were down to 70 MPP a turn. I swept right through the alps and with carrier help I got into rome before the american player. The American was upset so he went off and attacked spain and didn't want to help me in france.

I love team games. They may be very a-historical but they are sooooooo much fun.

You should have seen the russians and the british carve up the balkans. We had made a deal in which Britian took out Greece, thus taking pressure off the eastern front. In exchange Britian got Bulgaria and Rumania.

Just a classic!


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Someday, someone will take advantage of the internet, and allow five (5) different players thru the internet, to play the five (5) major nations of say a SC III. After everyone entered their orders, then simultaneous movement would occur, that everyone could see (maybe as a replay feature). Then the instant messaging or e-mails or even group chats so the "diplomacy" could occur before players started to enter the next turn orders for there nation.

[ January 29, 2003, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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Originally posted by Shaka of Carthage:

Someday, someone will take advantage of the internet, and allow five (5) different players thru the internet, to play the five (5) major nations of say a SC III. After everyone entered their orders, then simultaneous movement would occur, that everyone could see (maybe as a replay feature). Then the instant messaging or e-mails or even group chats so the "diplomacy" could occur before players started to enter the next turn orders for there nation.

Yeah, that would be great. However you would lose that personal interaction that you get from all five being together.

There's just something about that they can never reproduce.

But what the hey, I'm just an old wargamer.

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Originally posted by Konstatin V. Kotelnikov:

I declared war on switzerland. I knew the german was desparate to plug holes in the eastern front, and he did exactly what I had hoped for. He told the italians to defend switzerland as he operated the swiss armies out to the eastern front.


LOL, did that also activate the Pope's Swiss Guards unit at the Vatican ? :D

Great story, Konstantin. :D Yeah, there's nothing quite like a good multiplayer strategy game, FTF ! Last time I did that was on a ski trip to Tahoe. We were playing MB Conquest of the Empire, an even contest until my wife's niece suddenly launched a back-stabbing invasion of her fiance's provinces, breaking their alliance. He is a German guy, fairly serious and he didn't take it too well: "Farah, vy haff you launched ziss stupid attack ?!" I took advantage of it to attack from the other side and we knocked his Caesar out of the game. Surprised they still got married after that. ;)

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