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How to sign in to the Panzerliga- especially for Curry


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The other tread is ruined so i open a new one for that purpose :rolleyes:

The website is www.panzerliga.de

How to sign in...

On the Mainpage there is a point "Anmeldung" = subscribe .... then you have to fill the form...

Name = name

Vorname = prename

Straße = Street

Land = Country

PLZ = Postal Code

Ort = City,village

E-Mail-Adresse = emailadress

Liganame = your name (alias)

Passwort = Password

Passwort wiederholen = repeat Passwort

Spielmodus = the way how you want to play; select Email only, Online, both

Spielversion = click on Strategic Command JA

Finally you will have to click into the box (declaration to protect the personal content)

and finally you click on Absenden = sent

After a couple of days you will find your name in the socalled Musterung, the list for SC you will enter when you have played your first game...no matter if it was lost or not.

Note that SC Command is still played in the socalled mirrormode...which means that you have to play both sides to have a full game. There are also some specific rules but most of them are similar to your league. If you have questions then simply ask me, Terif,Feldtrompeter or Sombra.

Hopefully this site will be in english soon meanwhile you will have some nice german lessions :Dsmile.gif

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