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The new research system is great!


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A new thing with the new research system is that USA and UK get more options for their cooperation against the Axis.

USA can for instance choose whether to buy air or ground units. With the old rules, it simply took too long time to catch up technologies, which made the USA air outdated.

Now, you can choose to put 2 chits on Jet Aircraft and who knows, sometime in 1943, 3-4 UK air fleets, 2 USA air fleets and 3 UK carriers might really battle for the air superiority in the France/UK area.

After all, carriers do become very good against air units when Jet research is high, because they gain air attack and air defense, BUT no air fleet has an improved value against navy.

[ January 03, 2003, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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I Don't know :confused: How work the RESEARCH, please, can you explain my how work.

Because, I put three points in RESEARCH (heavy tank) but I receive my points two or three years tarry (leter).

PD: I dont speak a good inglish, because I speak spanish, sorry :( for the errors..

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Originally posted by Jhon:


I Don't know :confused: How work the RESEARCH, please, can you explain my how work.

Because, I put three points in RESEARCH (heavy tank) but I receive my points two or three years tarry (leter).

PD: I dont speak a good inglish, because I speak spanish, sorry :( for the errors..

You were just unlucky. Each point of research in an area gives you about a 5% chance of a breakthrough in that area each turn. Obviously, you were unlucky if you had 3 points in an area and saw no upgrades for 3 years! All units of a type automatically get upgraded when the breakthough happens.

[ January 04, 2003, 02:54 AM: Message edited by: Compassion ]

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I have changed my mind. I do not like the new research system anymore.

Apparently, the slow down (5->4->3->2->1) is INDEPENDANT of the enemy level. It only cares on your current level. This means that if I have a level 4 vs level 3 advantage in Jets, you will still only get 1% per chit and the enemy will get 5+1=6% per chit.

[ January 07, 2003, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Originally posted by zappsweden:

I have changed my mind. I do not like the new research system anymore.

Apparently, the slow down (5->4->3->2->1) is INDEPENDANT of the enemy level. It only cares on your current level. This means that if I have a level 4 vs level 3 advantage in Jets, you will still only get 1% per chit and the enemy will get 5+1=6% per chit.

Hmm that's what i like about the new system. If you are behind then you get a bonus depending on how far behind. Kind of reflects spy activity and the fact that it is imposibble to hide knowledge for long.
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In real WW2, the germans had the Tiger tanks which were superior to the USA and UK tanks for the whole war. Germany also had Jets in the end of the war.

With this catch-up system where you get 6%, 7%, 8% or 9% per chit (depending on how far behind you are) makes dominating an area become inpossible, at leist dominating them for a longer period.

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Closing the research gap so one side does NOT dominate for long periods is the whole idea of the research changes. The catch-up advantage is only as good as the differential - the larger the gap the larger the bonus. This is still not a guarantee for success if you're lagging behind, but it helps.

Look at a worst case scenario where Germany gets L5 jets prior to attacking Russia with L0 jets. With one chit, Russia's chances are 10-8-6-4-2. They should quickly advance to L2 and L3, but those last two advancements will still take time. Germany will maintain the lead for quite a while, just not an overwhelming lead for too long.

Considering the time and technologies involved during WWII, this is reasonable. Do you really think long-term dominance by one side or the other should be possible in this game?

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In my opinion, the 5->4->3->2->1 is enough of catching up. The enemy will catch up because you slow down. I still do not get why it is wrong that one side is superior in any area. The slow-down is surely enough to prevent super-quick advances. When did the UK or USA get tanks that were even close to the Tiger tanks? In 1945 Germany had level 5 tanks (Tiger) and USA/UK were still roughly on level 3.

I would sell my air fleet as Russia if the enemy had level 5 Jets. In real WW2, the Russian air fleets were severly damaged early on so I do think that if someone gets to level 5 Jets he should be rewarded because of all the money he put into it.

However, level 5 versus level 0 is an extreme situation. To get to level 5 with 5 chits means:

level,% per chit,roughly turns to advance

0 5 4

1 4 5

2 3 7

3 2 10

4 1 20

So, that is a total of 46 turns. Every side has 14.5 turns per year, so 46 turns is 3.17 years.

If Axis start putting 5 chits in Jets when France falls in mid 1940, they should be on level 5 at late 1943, hence long time after Russia enters.

It would be better to solve the level 5 versus level 0 (extreme case though) by modifying the slow-down to 4->3->2->1->1 instead!

That would mean level 4 and especially level 5 would appear in the end of the war instead of mid-way.

level,% per chit,roughly turns to advance

0 4 5

1 3 7

2 2 10

3 1 20

4 1 20

Sudenly, advancing with 5 chits takes 62 turns (4.3 years!) That would mean level 5 Jets and Tiger Tanks (level 5) almost certainly would appear in 1944-1947 instead.

[ January 08, 2003, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Originally posted by Hueristic:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by zappsweden:

The game is so damn great now, so the research system and the axis bias is the only things preventing it from becoming EXCELLENT.

Yesterday it was Axis bias Today Axis/Research What will be added for tomorrow?

:rolleyes: </font>

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