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Thanksgiving Vactation AAR - Rambo (Axis) vs Comrade Trapp (Allies) - Bid 300 (1:10)

Comrade Trapp

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September 1939

Germany invades Poland, the Polish southern army (Lodz) is quickly overran. Germans pour through the breakthrough and attack Warsaw bring the defending corps down to 7. Polish forces fall back to defend Warsaw, some are cut off. Some ground units and Luftwaffe are operated to the west.

Germany declares war on Denmark, 2 CAs bombard captial, German corps invades southern Denmark.

In France, the French 3rd Army guarding the north section of the Maginot Line engages the German XXIII corps reducing its strengh to 7 while taking 2 damage itself.

No sign of German U-boats in the North Altlantic. Canada declares war on Germany.

[ November 26, 2003, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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October 1939

Warsaw falls after a heroic last stand, Poland surrenders.

Denmark holds out, a German corps reaches the gates of Copenhagen.

Germany declares war on the Low Countries but is quickly overran and forced to surrender.

France prepares frontline units for action.

In the North Atlantic, both U-boats are sunk by the far superior Royal Navy carriers.

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Oct 1939 [turn 3] -

1) French are using "throw a bunch of corps" strategy. French Armies are in the 2nd line, with corps up front. I'm guessing, he doesn't have French HQ, by the 4+ corps I see. Must have sold the air, maybe some ships. Anyhow...we'll play it conservative, the "First Blood Hex" is an easy target, two solid ground attacks & 3-Luftwaffen kill French Corp in FBH...Hmm...German Panzer gets brave & enters the FBH, I don't think he'll counter.

2) Denmark pinged

3) My subs are dead

4) Manstein is given a signing bonus, placed in Western Germany.

[ November 26, 2003, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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November 1939

Denmark continues to hold out.

In France, the French III corps is destroyed after attacked from the ground and air, the German XIX Pz Group takes it's place. French corps along the frontline do not fall back behind the now dugin French armies, instead they reinforce and prepare for heavy action. The Canadian 1st Army arrives in Paris and digs in.

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November 1939 [turn #4] -

1) Sorry leaderless French are getting their asses handed to them. Corp in Western Ardennes is wiped out quite easily. Then a Panzer makes a pop deeper into the foreign soil, French Army takes 3-damage...then 3-Luftwaffen eliminate it...nice.

2) Denmark pinged

3) Last of the power units operanded out of Poland. Full frontal ground attack w/ 3-HQs hitting Franch

4) No sign of RAF or RN. In that case, I'll take my cash & buy 1-technology chit. (Or maybe I'm lying since I know C-Trapp is reading this).


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Jan. 1940 -

1) Okay, decision time...No RAF in site, no RN, C-Trapp is saving all that UK cash for something, lets stay away from the coast in case of a counter. German Army w/ 3-Luftwaffen break the French Mine, we are going South.

2) Denmark pinged, both German cruisers now have 1-star experience.

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December 1939

Denmark continues to be reinforced.

Things are not going well in France, the French IIII corps is overran. Soon after the French 2nd Army is destroyed almost completely from the air. Remaining French forces along the French-LC border fall back behind the line of French armies, the northen section of the Maginot Line is abandoned. The French III corps takes the place of a destroyed 2nd Army.

General Montgomery is given overall command of British forces in England, RAF still not commited.

[ November 26, 2003, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Feburary 1940

In France, the French 5th Army defending the mine is destroyed, German forces pour through the breakthrough. French forces fall back to defend Paris. Paris is guarded by the now dugin Canadian 1st Army.

Italian readiness is still at 75%.

[ November 26, 2003, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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March 1940 -

1) French are getting pounded, Paris has Canadian Army & they get introduced to the game with 2-hits of damage. Luftwaffen moved forward, in range of Paris. Good chance in falls next turn, 2-turns at the most. Italians will be soon to join.

2) Denmark defenses destroyed, will be looted next turn.

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April 1940 -

1) SHOCKING NEWS! London taken before Paris. RAF & RN yet to be seen. Last turn I brough a German Corp 2-Hexes NorthEast of London since nobody has been spotted. London is taken.

2) Germans clear a 2nd Hex beside Paris, this will be taken next turn.

3) Denmark looted.

Lets watch the readiness since the Fall of London.

Italy 98% (joining soon)

USA 15%

Russia 40%

[ November 26, 2003, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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March 1940

The French and Canadians begin to make their last stand around Paris. Despite this, German forces reach the outskirts of Paris. The French colonies begin to be evacuated, time to save what we can.

The Danish corps defending Copenhagen destroyed, Denmark will fall next turn. German U-boat spotted moving through the Denmark Straits.

A German corps is spotted along the south-east coast of England, probably a scout. RAF does not attack, nor is any ground forces redeployed to defend London. Germans would not invade and make US and USSR readiness increase while the're still fighting in France.

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April 1940

German forces invade England, capture a undefended London! Big mistake for them, a large majority of the Royal Navy in position to repel invasion of the British Isles. The British army takes up position to defend, General Montgomery vows there will be a quick victory over German forces.

France continues to hold out, 3 French armies launch a small counter-attack south of Paris against a German corps, reducing it to 2. Evcauation of the French colonies complete.

Italy will join at the end of the Allied turn.

[ November 26, 2003, 09:30 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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June 9, 1940 -

1) Germans place 3-Luftwaffen around London, there's 2-Armies, & 1-Corp...along with HQ-Boch. Germans spend all their looted money (MMPs) on 3-new-Luftwaffen. Gee I wonder where they are going? Monty sits in Manchester, with a ton of UK corps & I see 2-RAF.

2) Italians prepared to capture abandoned Malta.


USA 55% (popped another 20%)

Russia 40%

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July 1940 -

1) London is getting crowded. Ground forces move forward & attack SouthEast of Manchester. We don't get a kill, but soon enough. Manstein has joined Boch on the Island. Fresh Panzer unit is brought to London. All kinds of Luftwaffen pilots have volunteered to attack. Two air attacks are conducted, intercepted by Carrier in Manchester Port & RAF in Northern England. Well, I got news for C-Trapp, I've got a bunch of Luftwaffen, every damn dime is going into Air.

2) Italians take Malta. Italian Navy is chilling, just in case of an ambush, Royals Navy has yet to be seen.

3) I've got a major problem! No brew, I just drank my last Michelob Ultra. Might need to make a party store run.


USA 75% (another 20% pop)

Russia 40%

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June 23, 1940

Still, little fighting in England. Luftwaffe attacks British frontline corps and is intercepted by a RAF airfleet and RN carrier, both only take 1 point of damage while inflicting damage on the enemy. The British I corps still holds Brest, no attacks on it yet.

A undefended Malta falls.

Where is the rest of the German military?

War Readiness

United States: 85%

Soviet Union: 40%

The United States prepares for war.

[ November 26, 2003, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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July 1940

British corps destroyed after massive air attacks, German forces reach gates of Manchester. More air battles over England, RAF outnumbered 4 to 1.

United States enters war, 1st USAAF airfleet opertated to England. Reinforcements on the way.

German and Italian forces invade Greece, Athens falls but no Greek surrender. Spain joins the Axis Alliance.

Soviet war readiness at 45%.

Disapponited in the game thus far, was expecting more then just the old "all air" strategy. Oh well.

Rambo is making a beer run, he'll be back in 15 mins.

[ November 26, 2003, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Air battles in England. Germans take damage, but the RAF lost a fighter. USA has air presense, but no way HQ supported just yet. RN is not engaging, keep the path open for USA ground units. Manchester is attacked, but only takes 1-damage. Just trying to prevent entrenchments. I have everything I can muster on English soil: 3-HQ's, 2-Panzers, 3-Army, 2-Corps, & 7-Luftwaffen.

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