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New Medals Mod.


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I'm working on a medals mod (rab_medals_mod.zip)that I think will add a cool new look to the game. I expect the mod to be ready within an hour or so.

I like the effect of the medals being awarded for unit experience. I thought I could add to the effect by using actual historic medals from the period. I've changed the bitmap so that units only have medals displayed that have actually been awarded, ie. no more greyed out medals. A unit with no experience has nothing displayed, and a unit with one medal has only that medal shown, and so on. Each contry now has three historical medals awarded rather than one generic medal displayed that it gradually filled in. I'm not the greatest artist in the world, but I think this first version is fairly nice looking, and I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed making it. I'm going to se if I can have it posted on SCHQ with the other mods.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where else I should have it maade available for download?



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I'd like to see them. On Wargamer.com you can download scenario's and other files (there is a section for SC). The best forum is WW2.com but it's under contruction right now. Good Luck.....

[ April 01, 2003, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: SeaWolf_48 ]

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