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Some things Id like to see


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Some things Id like to see in either a patch or SC2:

The ability to have either true random or historic random options for countries.

For Ireland to have a port.

A map covering the world :D Or if there are expansion sets covering other theaters for these to be linkable so by the end of the series you could, in fact, play a global game.

For the graphics to be changed to a TGA format. Its more flexible, gives sharper pictures and is easier to mod with.

All partisans should remain active throughout the war. This includes Russian partisans if and when they surrender. Later in the war French partisans should appear.

Polish units operated to England should remain free units the same as French units in Commonwealth territory. This is especilly true for the Polish air unit.

The USA should get at least double the MPP per turn that it does.

Research times should be slowed down.

Some kind of gearing or index that relates your war material production and available manpower to each other. It makes no sense that Germany can produce a 200 armies.

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Originally posted by GDS_STARFURY:

Some kind of gearing or index that relates your war material production and available manpower to each other. It makes no sense that Germany can produce a 200 armies.

Those 10-year German kids with rusty bolt-action rifles and Panzerfausts are mean, I tell ya! Mean!
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I disagree on french partisans. There never was a partisan army in France like in Russia and Yugoslavia, where units of several 10 000 men attacked the germans. The resistance should only result in the germans getting less resources from France than the french did.

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I think French resistance could be modeled quite well with a 1 or 2 point unit. These partisans would only activate if certain triggers are set concerning the invasion of France. Perhaps a condition of 6 allied units landing in a turn. The french partisan unit itself wouldnt be anyting really usful but, it would be an annoyance for the Germans much as it was in real life.

One thing I forgot to list witht he things Id like to see is map edit tool. Being able to layout your own custom map would add infinte replayability.

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