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Knock out UK and USA Won't Attack

el Jeffe

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heya, i found playing Export, +1, FoW off that the US would try to liberate the UK.

the problem was that it did a comically lame job. the typical invasion fleet would consist of 3 transports. as soon as any of them were hit (say down to strength 6) it would ferry it all the way back across the atlantic, even though the unita was already at the beach and ready to land.

so with a bomber and a fighter and an HK I was easily able to repel them.

Maybe with FoW on it doesn't attack, not sure..

The problem I had with taking the UK is that you lose the chance to make that crippling first strike on Russia. If you take over UK and Russia declares war on, you are in for one serious land war in the east...

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