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Multiplayer AAR Comrade Trapp vs. JerseyJohn (World War I)

Comrade Trapp

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August 1st, 1914

My opening moves consisted of the occupation of Belgium and the creation of a German battleline going along the Belgium-French boarder and along where the Magiont Line would be. German forces quickly secured the undefended French mine and attacked the French 4th Army guarding the Ardennes from 4 directions reducing it to 10% of its original strength.

In the south there were only minor engagements along the German-Itailian boarder.

In the east 2 Germany armies attacked the Russian corps gurading Warsaw knocking it down to 20% strength.

In the North Atlantic, a German submarine sunk the British Battleship Cressy, this early victory is surely a sign of things to come....

[ April 24, 2003, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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-- Copied to the New AAR --


Though advised by his security chief to avoid the Balkans, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the thrown of the aged Franz Ferdinand, accompanied by his wife, visits Serbia and is promptly cut down by agents of the radical Black Hand. They are killed by an obscure revolutionary named Gavrilo Princip, who is caught within minutes of the ambush.


Shunned in life by the Austrian Court for her common birth, the Grand Duchess fares no better in death, her casket being set noticably lower than her husband's at the state funeral service.

Considered a protege of Imperial Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ferdinand's death soon results in severe repercussions.


Yachting in the Baltic at the time of the assasination, the Kaiser remains aloof from events and pledges to stand by Austria-Hungary in any action she may choose to take.

Bound by complicated alliances and intricate mobilzation schedules, events move steadily toward a Grand War involving all of Europe.


From Saint Petersburg, Czar Nicholas II and his cousin, the Kaiser of Germany exchange a series of telegrams in a last grab at creating a settlement.

Link to the Complete Nicky-Willy Telegrams.

In frustration, Nicholas writes in his journal, "Grandmama would never have permitted this to happen." Referring to the late Queen Victoria of Great Britain, Grandmother to, among others, three reining crown heads, George of England, Wilhelm of Prussia and Nicholas of Russia.

Link to Queen Victoria and Her Royal Descendants

The court mystic, a self-styled monk named Gregory Rasputin, personal attendant and comforter of the sickly young Crown Prince Alexeivich, warns that if Russia enters this war she will be scourged and ruined for all time.


Meanwhile, in Switzerland, another patiently awaits the chance to fulfill the peasant monk's prophessy, avenging as well the execution years earlier of the elder brother he idolized. How much greater might Nicholai Lenin's thirst for blood have been if he'd known this same Czar had read the execution report and penciled the words, "Good -- hang more of them!" in the margin. But in Romanov Russia blood begets blood; the Czar's own father, Alexander III having been cut down by an assasin's primitive bomb.


[ April 26, 2003, 01:52 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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-- Copied to the New AAR Thread and edited --


The War's first major campaigns take place in the West, where Imperial Germany attempts to fulfill it's decades old Schleiffen Plan.

In order to destroy France, before turning east to deal with the slowly mobilizing Russians, Germany must move through Belgium, whose neutrality she has guaranteed in an old, conveniently forgotten treaty signed also by Britain and France. A plan designed to crush one power in order to turn on a second, and causing a declaration of war from a third.

Britain, caught up in a short-lived mood of idealistic optimism, declares war on Germany and quickly dispatches the comparatively small British Expeditionary Force to join her French Allies in the Fields of Flanders.


At Sea, German U-boats sink the aged Dreadnaught H. M. S. Cressy off the coast of Ireland before being sunk themselves by the well prepared Royal Navy, under it's energetic First Lord, Winston Churchill.


Even as the British embark to cross the Channel, well disciplined German columns catch the French off balance, trapping their Fourth Army in the Ardennes region, where it is first bled white, then surrounded and finally destroyed.

But the doomed Polois have gained time for Marshal Ferdinand Foch to organize a defense Northwest of Paris, turning the triumpant armies of Imperial German even as they march within sight of Paris itself.


Arriving late on the scene, the British Expeditionary Force helps hold the line at the most crucial hour, eliciting an oath of contempt from German 1st Army commander von Bulow, who calls them the "Contemptable little English Army!" Forever after dubbed "The Old Contemptables" by the bemused Tommies.


The Battle in France saved, British Prime Minister Loyd George travels to France, confers with the Generals, meets in Paris with French Leader Clemencau and returns home.

Georges Clemenceau


Cousins, looking enough alike to sometimes be mistaken for one another, King George the Fifth of England poses beside Czar Nicholas the Second of Russia.


Reporting to His Majesty, King George the Fifth, the Prime Minister optimistically reports that British losses will be comparatively small. The war, he feels, will be decided quickly in the east, by the awakened Russian Bear.


[ April 27, 2003, 03:47 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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August 15th 1914

On the western front, German forces finished off the encircled French 4th Army trapped in the Ardennes.

In the North Atlantic, a German U-boat surprised and crippled the British cruiser Fearless reducing it to 10% of its strength.

[ April 24, 2003, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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August 29th 1914

In the west, minor attacks were made on the French lines that achieved nothing.

In the east, the German 8th & 9th Armies along with the Austro-Hungarian 2nd Army encircled the Russian 2nd Warsaw Army just east of Warsaw and reduced it to 20%.

The first unwelcome reports of the war made it to newspapers accross Germany today, the German U-boat that was made famous by sinking a British battleship and crippleing a cruiser, was sunk today off the coast of Ireland by the Royal Navy. :eek:

[ April 24, 2003, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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September 19th 1914

The Western front has slowed to a stand still with only minor engagements.

On the Eastern Front east of Warsaw, German forces have met significant Russian resistance for the first time in the war. The 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th armies along with the Austro-Hungarian 2nd Army have encountered 4 Russian armies supported by an HQ, both sides take significant losses but no units were destroyed.

In the Balkans, the Austro-Hungarian Army has supressed Slav uprisings and are now free to be commitied elsewhere.

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-- Copied to New AAR Thread and Edited --

As the West settles in to trench warfare, all eys turn to the East.

The Czar calls up his faithful Cossacks and beckons them to drive the German invaders out of contested Poland.

They assemble and, after a quick blessing from the Little Father, they are off to find the sound of battle.


Most of them. Others finish affairs at home and follow as a stragegic reserve.


[ April 27, 2003, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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October 17th 1914

Minor engagements on the western front that amount to nothing.

On the eastern front, Warsaw is attacked by 3 German armies. 2 German corps make a attempt to encircle the the 4 Russian armies, 2 corps, and a HQ east of Warsaw. This partcial encirclement will hopefully put a strain on the supplies of thoses units. The 1st and 3rd Austro-Hungarian armies encounters 1 Russian army and a corps along the Russian-Hungarian border.

In the Baltic, the German High Seas Fleet launches a attack on a Russian battleship in Helsinki Harbor and sends it to the bottom.

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In France, Clemenceau, hard pressed by his Russian Ally to bring more pressure upon the Germans, confers with his generals and is told a massive offensive is out of the question until the Spring.


Along the Channel Coast a combined British and French Offensive fails to break through heavy casualties to both sides.


Meanwhile, Imperial Germany's High Seas Fleet moves into the Northern Baltic and sinks the main Russian Battleship Squadron as it attempts to escape from Helsinki.


News of the war's first Russian disasster reaches Petrograd where it is called a worse defeat than Tsu Shima. Stunned crowds prepare to flee as rumors of German amphibious landings spread throughout the city. Behind the scenes, Rasputin, surrounded by his following of superstitious women, talks for hours about God's judgement falling upon Mother Russia, punishment for her part in this unholy war.


But in the Ukraine things are different. An Austrian offensive moves menacingly toward Kiev, stops to await supplies, and is utterly destroyed by Russian formations attacking from all sides. The Victory quickly raises Russian morale and eases the impact of Russia's naval defeat.


Farther West, the Czar's Armies move south-west of Warsaw to engage a larg Austro-Hungrian army. A a massive battle ensues in which the Austrians receive massive casualties, their army nearly destroyed, but in the end the victory, though great, is not decisive.


And so, in the East the situation has changed almost overnight. Fully mobilized at last, the Imperial Russian Army goes eagerly to the offensive.

[ May 03, 2003, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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November 14th 1914

In the west, attacks made by the British Expeditionary Force and a French Army are repeled by the German 1st Army, 1st army takes 50% losses in the process. Western front is reinforced by 2 corps.

In the east, German 4th corps is surrounded and destroyed west of Kiev, the first Russian victory of the war. Unfortunately for the Russians, this victory is short lived, a Russian army south of Warsaw was attack by 2 German armies and destroyed. The attacking German armies suffered minimal losses.

In the Baltic, The German High Seas Fleets finishes off what was left of the Russian Northern Fleet when the Russian cruiser force was sunk in Kronstadt Harbor by the German Battleships Hannover and Pommern. The German High Seas Fleets sustained minimal losses in the Battle for the Baltic making it one of the biggiest German victorys in history. Admiral Franz von Hipper, commander of the German High Seas Fleet is decorated by the Kasier himself for bravery in battle.

[ April 25, 2003, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Word of the Warsaw defeat reaches Petrograd and sends ripples of discontent through the populace. The ever growing lists of casualties begin sapping morale.

The Czar's secret police are quick to find spies, however, and they are promptly hanged in the public view.


Though even while watching the executions agents of the revolution, mingling among the crowds, speculate that it is not the work of spies and traitors, but inept generals that are the cause of Russia's costly defeats.

In Britain word of the Eastern setbacks shatter the delusion that the war will be resolved with a quick Eastern Victory; Cossacks parading triumphantly through Berlin.

Lord Kitchener is used as the model for a new recruitment drive.


Reporting to the King, the Field Marshal repeats his original prediction that it will be a long, hard and costly war, both in pounds sterling and the nation's young men.

[ May 04, 2003, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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December 12th 1914

In the east, the Russian 5th Army is attacked by 3 German Armies and knocked down to 10% strengh. Meanwhile outside Kiev, the German 5th Corps is cutoff behind enemy lines.

In the Black Sea, the Turkish Navy attacks the Russian Black Sea Fleet anchored in Sevastopol inflicting serious damage to the Russians. The Russian Black Sea Fleets quickly disengaged from battle and fled to Rostov Harbor, the Turkish Navy was unable to pursue.

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Thanks CvM


I was about to make my next move. Do you want to continue the game or start over with the same sides using Carl's updated scenario? I'm for using the update because we aren't that far into the game and it's a good opportunity to play with the changes.

We could use the same AAR, just edit our entries to fit the restarted game.

Whatever you decide is fine with me. I'll wait for your answer before making my move.

[ April 25, 2003, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Sure, I just downloaded the one at Otto's, but if that isn't the new one by all means I'd love to have it.

Just returned from the E-mail, downloaded it and next stop is checking it in the scenario editor.

Thanks for sending everything, can't wait to see what it looks like.




[ April 26, 2003, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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