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Behind the line

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Now that I've gotten better (a little) at allied side I've found another perplexing effect. I punch through German lines, look around, and attack an undefended HQ or Air Fleet. Payoff, I think. But no, my experienced, full strength infantry army never does more than 2-4 points damage, sometimes taking a couple in the process. What's the logic here?

I was already disappointed at how little effect cutting off or encircling enemy forces seems to have. Now I find breaking through and attacking rear area units doesn't do much either. The net effect seems to be that combat is a head on slugfest no matter what the context. To me it really blunts the feeling of using strategy.

The way I imagine it, every ground unit should be assigned to a HQ. Orders, supply, and reinforcement flow through the HQ, and penetrating a line to attack it should seriously disrupt its assigned units. Do the HQ here just represent Rommel in his command tent? What has my armies' attack cost him two points of?

Sorry for my long posts.

[ May 31, 2002, 02:50 AM: Message edited by: PrivateSlovik ]

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