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Siberian Transfer later than 1944?????

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That hurts you much smile.gif

Your attack in Spain and France at the beginning of 1943 caused me headache ut luckily your troops retreated after some losses. I think you better had fighted it out. Now in Summer 1944 with nearly 800 MPPs for Axis and lots of very experienced troops and 15 air fleets the war is lost for Allies.

It will take time to conquer Russia and Turkey but you saw I do not loose any units there in opposite to Russia/USA who are loosing units every round. :D


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Only 2 russins cities fallen in 1944! and without the siberian transfer, the russian front line is holding its country borders since the begining. Russia owns persia and Italia owns spain and u are selling me that you are wining 800, dont make me laugh, u dont even have egypt, turkey, finland...

Because u were doing so crappy, u already lost the war in france (nov1940 and multiple losses) i permited myself to launch a way too soon invasion to make yourself give up a game it was already doomed for u.

and i'm not here for explaining our game i am only asking a question.

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Hey the Axis have whole Europe except England, Ireland and Finland and two Russians cities and parts of Turkey and parts of north Africa. Two Russian cities are also direct at the frontline.

As I remember the Germans were in trouble in real Summer 1944.

And yes I was too slow in France and made mistakes but right now in 1944 I am pretty much happy with the situation. If you do not believe me that I get nearly 800 MPPs you can continue the game.


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