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Ok let´s go for it.

My available times are

- today (21.1) 20.00 - 03.00

- Friday (23.1) 20.00 - unlimited :cool:

- Sunday (25.1) 16.00 - 03.00 (maybe even a bit earlier)

- Tuesday-Thursday (27.1 - 29.1) 20.00 - 03.00 each day.

Pls note that i leave for holiday on Saturday (31.1) very early in the morning, so Thursday (29.1) is the last day i can play. In case you host pls dont forget to rename our old Panzerliga-Game which we have to postpone as WST has first priority now.

See you on the battlefield tongue.gif

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First Session

Dalmatia got Axis with a relative low bid of 190,

1:5:20 System. Although i´m a better axis player i didn´t want them this time because i played my last 10 games axis. Another reason was that Dalmaia is a better allied player and probably he will do more mistakes with axis. :D


- Poland conquered in round 3

- Denmark conquered in round 6

- irland is allied; no training for carriers as he declined to repair the irish

- LC failed in turn 2 but was conquered in round 3

- i had no HQ to make a decent counterattack in round 2

- quite good performance of dalmatia in France, France surrendered 11. Aug ´40 but suffered only slighly losses despite i used armies for landing bonus.

- I lost 3 ships and two armys in France.

Another weak game in France of my side :(

- all french cities left 1 round after fall of France

- Norway failed in round 1 and Sweden was delayed another 2 rounds because HQ could not land; Bergen is allied.immedeately as port was bombed down to ground.

- Vichy France also took 2 turns

- Malta is italian after axis air showed up

- Egypt and Suez still allied; all italian ships are there for training mission, allied force consits of 1 Army in Alexandria, two corps guarding Suez and on corps in former Vichy city.

- No allied tech so far, germans got LR 1


Nothing special so far. He was a bit late in France but lost only 1 Corps, with me loosing 3 ships, 2 Armies and another 2 Corps. Carriers had hardly training so far. On the other hand he was delayed in picking the minors.

In all of my games against him i did not win the game in the west but in russia; i hope to do the same also this time. But it will be a hard job. :D

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so far so good!

slight losses on both sides in the game. I made few stupid mistakes not conquering Norway and Vichy in turn1 although I had more that enough air and ground units. Anyway-not playing as axis for few months took some skills away...


I still got some chances if I continue with no mistakes-but anyway Dragonheart is curently one of the best players of SC community and I m sure he wont make anything similar to my mistakes.

Anyway I m going to try another tactics which I didnt see beeing used by anyone (probably is failure-LOL)

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In a short session yesterday axis took egypt and beirut. My armies had no chance there as the italian landing forces were heavily supported by axis air and italian navy which found a superiour training ground there.

I tryed to take some practice with my carriers in Brest but it was guarded by two LR 1 and meanwhile Jet 1 AF´s. So i withdrew them after additional axis reinforcments arrived and i took another losses on my already weak navy.

Meanwhile i catched up with tech and preparing for another raiding action. The axis are supposed to have heavy forces on the spanish border as soon their ally hungary will join.

The late entry of hungary will delay the fall of Gibralatar a little bit, in that way axis will losse some MPP, but this will be no problem as axis forces already prepare for Irak which will compensate this MPP loss.

Yugocoup is also expected every moment as it´s already July? 1941...

To be continued today 20.00 CET.

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Action before Barbarossa

Hungary joined very late and the Yugocoup never occured therefore Spain and Yugoslavia were attacked when barbarossa had already begun.

A raiding force captured Bremen and left Germany with 1 strengh left via port of Hamburg, cutting the supply to the North.

My carriers finally found their training grounds in Bergen, axis sent two AF´s for interceptions but i had two more attacks with my fighters.

Later i moved my carriers to Brest to prepare the landing of the US-Armies. We had heavy airbattles there, and the axis lost two AF´s as i had jet advantage lvl 3 ag lvl 2 at this time.

Barbarossa time

After first round of Barbarossa 3 border armies, 2 tanks and 1 AF could be saved. Germans took only Odessa and withdrew.

Russians tryed to grap finland but heavy reinforements+cruisers+AF with jetadvantage made it impossible to make a breakthrough. Therefore russians moved all their power to the south and started a counterattack. Germans hold a Königsberg - Odessa line.

Meanwhile the axis got all minors so they should have a slight mpp Advantage. Amis landed in Brest but in few numbers...therefore they still sit in Brest and drink beer. :D As the italian navy has passed Gibraltar my carriers now train in savetity on Bruessels.

The tech is quite equal, no luck for both of us...


Gb 3

us 3

ger 3

ru 2


Gb 1

us 1

ger 1

rus 0

GB got gunlaying radar lvl 1

AT for all nothing!!!!

AA nothing!!!!

HT nothing!!!!

So we are both unlucky....

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