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Strategic Command Wishlist


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I thought I'd compile a list of things I would like to see in SC if not in SC2. Lemme know what you think or what you believe is missing.

Strategic Command Wishlist:

1. Ability to attack ‘friendly’ majors both if they are already on your side or not (eg Germany cannot attack Italy), this seems viable though especially since if Germany attacks the Italians, they’ll lose all the boats (which is a butt load of points) and gain between 750-1000 (which covers about 2 out of the 5 boats) as usual.

2. TCP/IP & IPX support, but I believe this is to be implemented anyway

3. Multiplayer with the ability to select which ally/axis to play (so that up to 5 people can play the game)

4. World theatre (very unlikely for this release, but heck it rulez), including Japan into the game, in which case I would exclude Italy as a major since they were more of a patsy anyway and make Japan the major (also more useful if you want to pursue the multiplayer theme, as Japan had a lot more resources/tech then Italy). But maybe the scenario editor can already allow for this?

5. Text-based rule scheme as used in games like Alpha Centauri, to allow modding of the rules. Such as adding units, adding tech, balancing base rules/tech rules, etc etc, this should allow people to make some of the changes they want without you needing to do that. Most programmers make this in a binary file, but it shouldn’t be a lot of work to recode it in a text file and make the game read it from there.

Lesser Requests

6. The Low Countries represented by the Dutch flag (and Amsterdam as the port?), this since the Dutch put up more of a fight anyway than the Belgians and they had a ‘bigger’ army.

7. Ability to further define difficulty by adding tech options (eg selecting tech boost/penalty for selected majors)

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