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German U-boat: a joke


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It would be interesting to include the 4-5 super hexes (or just one big zone) at the western edge of the Atlantic map. These could represent the dead zone where U-boats would become entirely strategic and more effective.

While in European waters, Uboats could act as both strategic raiders and tactical units. And they'd certainly be more vulnerable.

Extra rules for subs:

#1 They inflict and receive less damage to other naval units.

#2 They dive more often, and may, if the randomizer allows, retreat 1-2 hexes after diving. Since they do less tactical damage, not a big deal.

#3 In their strategic hex(es), the big mid-Atlantic, every turn, there is a chance that they get struck by ABSTRACT convoy escorts and hunter/killers. Damage is 1-3, if spotted, per turn.

[strategic MPP loss would equal 1 unit per sub strength. This of course would mean the Anglo-Americans should get more base MPPs to begin with, with America's always on the rise]

#4 Every research breakthrough in ASW and/or Longrange Aircraft will make for MORE chances for subspotting and higher Damage, 2-4, 3-5, etc...

#5 Subs should be immune to landbased Air Fleets, although with proper Longdistance Aircraft research, they should be able to be spotted via normal VLR recon.

#6 With these rules in place, Britain should then get more ships to realistically portray her huge fleet, which even in abstract would be nearly double of what SC portrays.

#7 It would also be possible to give Germany an extra uboat and cruiser or two. Plus the Germans could attempt a breakout into the deep Atlantic to raid. Uk ships could pursue and fight a tactical battle there.

This would make for a real Battle of the Atlantic, with uboats trying to limp back to Brest to France and Kiel to gain reinforcements.

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