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Kuniworth's banning unfair and unnecessary

Comrade Trapp

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Posted by Moon:

In fact this becomes Kuniworth's last thread, too, as he's just been banned for off-topic posting.

Kuniworth had been banned before for spamming the forum with off-topic nonsense, and left back in on "probation". As the "forum rules" featured thread on top of this forum says, we're enforcing strict rules for the time being. Frankly, the signal-to-noise ratio has been very bad on this forum in the past, and so has been Kuniworth's posting record. This thread is one of many noisy contributions, and we're convinced that the forum will be better off without him.


Give me a break, yes his last thread was off topic but he was in no way spamming and didn't deserve to get banned. Even you guys got to admit that he has behaved himself since being banned some months ago.

Kuniworth had been banned before for spamming the forum with off-topic nonsense, and left back in on "probation".
How long was Kuniworth's "probation" supposed to last, I know its been a couple months since he was banned, was there a set date for it to end or are you just using this as an excuse to ban him.

Did you guys bother to look at any of the good things he's done for SC and the SC Forum? Believe it or not, many people (including myself) were beginning to (and still are) lose interest in SC due to some of its shortfalls. Don't get me wrong, SC is a great game, but the shortfalls of the game get to you after you play it again and again.

In order to prevent this, many of the members on this forum have spent much time and have put a lot of hard work into making mods, keeping up interesting discussions, and keeping up competition within the SC forum.

Kuniworth is one of these members; Kuni has put a lot of time and hard work into the SC Ryder Cup and has made a lot of interesting threads that should be credited to help keeping interest in the SC Forum and SC itself.

I believe that I would have completely lost interest in SC and this forum, if it weren’t for the members on this forum like Kuniworth and others. I consider a lot of the guys on this forum friends, hell most of us post here at least once a day so I'm not surprised. And I think if you go through with this banning, you will be stirring up a lot of crap.

This thread is one of many noisy contributions, and we're convinced that the forum will be better off without him.
Well, I'm glad you guys are convinced because I doubt many people on this forum agree with your actions.

Comrade Trapp

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I agree with Trapp. Kuniworth's contributions are always good for a laugh. To be honest, I spend more time reading this forum than I do playing the game, so that must say something for the forum and the community of which Kuniworth is one.

Kuniworth, to quote your fellow Swedes, this banning "could finally be your Waterloo". :(

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Which part of this thread is not clear enough?

Forum Rules

Kuniworth has been walking a fine line and after the third or fourth off-topic post in a row has been banned. He might have done good things, and he has been allowed back in after the first banning as a result of that, but in the end the rules of conduct are the same for everybody. It is our job to ensure a forum open to everyone, so everyone has to play by the rules or leave - simple as that. The SC forum has been a sorry sight for quite a while, and the strict set of rules about off-topic posts will remain in place for us long as needed.

There will be no change to the decision, so any further debate doesn't make sense. Locking this.


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