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Supply question...


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I've had trouble keeping units in supply ever since I bought the game. I try to keep my units within 4 hexes of an HQ. I try to keep the HQ within 4 hexes of a city. Why then does this some times not work? Ex - I have Balboa in Africa four hexes (including the one he occupies) from Tobruk but my Italian Army attacking Alexandria has a supply rating of 4 even though Balboa's and his accompaning airfleets all have an 8 rating. I read the rules way back when I originally got the game but the rules for supply didn't seem work as described.

Would someone please explain how supply works and also decipher this:


supply = 0 -> HQ supply = 5

supply <= 5 -> HQ Supply = 8

supply > 5 -> HQ supply = 10

Note: Friendly HQ's can now be linked to supply each other over extended distances

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Yes, please. I started the "Supply in Southern Russia" thread, but the questions are the same. Why does supply go haywire at seemingly random times? (See my other thread for a specific scenario). Help, my soldiers are starting to eat their shoes!

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Your Capitol has a supply of ten (10).

Every City that can trace a continuous line of land hexes back to that Capitol will have a supply level of ten (10).

If you conquered the nation, those cities will not go higher than a supply level of eight (8).

Cannot trace a continuous line of land hexes back to the Capitol, your supply max is five (5).

Units are supplied from cities or HQ's.

HQ's are supplied from cities or HQ's.

The level of HQ supply is determined by the supply level of the city or HQ that is supporting it. Hence,


supply = 0 -> HQ supply = 5

supply <= 5 -> HQ Supply = 8

supply > 5 -> HQ supply = 10

Note: Friendly HQ's can now be linked to supply each other over extended distan

As was pointed out, each hex between the unit and its supplier has an effect on the supply level of the unit.

The above are the basics. There are some other conditions and exceptions, but the above covers the majority.

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I read your other topic back when you created it. Nothing other than the obvious came to my mind when I read it. I'll repeat the obvious in case there is something there.

Axis capture a Russian city, it will be reduced to supply level 0 (ie Scorched earth option). Each turn, it regains one (1) point.

Soviet Partisans will reduce the level of supply available to Axis units. This can result in your HQ's dropping from eight or ten to five. That causes bad things to happen to the Axis they are supplying.

Soviet Partisans change the control of a hex. Especially if they are allowed to move. Even after they are destroyed or moved out of the area, you need to make sure they have not left Soviet controlled hexes in your rear. If so, they could possibly interrupt the continuous line of land hexes that you need to keep your cities/HQ's in supply.

Even in full supply, the Soviet occupied cities do not exceed supply level of eight (8).

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Thanks to all for the help. I think I had most of it straight, but it's always the details, isn't it?

In case there are other beginners out there, I wasn't allowing for:

1. drop in supply across the Kerch straits (or whatever they're called)

2. time for Rostov to climb from supply level 0 (scorched earth).

so zipping units down into the mountians was a real problem. Thanks again. I'll borrow Montgomery from the British for my attack southwards. That will slow it down to a reasonable pace.

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Finns... Axis capital is Berlin. Berlin does not have a continuous line of land hexes to the Finnish city. Hence, max supply of five (5) for the Finnish City.

Start subtracting because of the hexes between the city and the units, and you get the unit supply values you have.

How much supply is reduced by terrain?

Max distance a HQ can be from city or HQ to still be in supply?

I don't remember if it is in the manual. You can always start a hotseat game and just move the units around to see when the values change.

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  • 5 months later...

Aha, I this thread helped me figure out how in the hell Berlin kept building back up to 12 strength corps when I had it surrounded except for one adjacent army.

Capital city supply is always 10!


The situation was most annoying, but they couldn't keep the gates closed forever.... Germany Surrenders (Finally)! Game, set, match!


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