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Suggestions for an Early Sea Lion?


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I was wondering if there is a good strat. for invading England very early, and having atleast London by the end of 40'? I tried it out and i got across the channel with i would say 90% of my force in the first wave using a built up German fleet to screen and distract the English while my transports unloaded. But after that next few turns my fleet was ethier totally wiped out or to badly damaged to do anything at all. Reenforcement's in terms of new unit's comming across became a total Nightmare and i could expect about 50% losses of the transports but i couldn't afford not to get more unit's to land. The RAF was mostly wiped out by my ground forces that pushed north but london wouldn't fall easily and by the time i had it just about finished off the channel was totally cut off by the Royal Navy. Then of course the US enters the war early, I presume because of my invasion of England but i could have been some other factors, and adds it's navy and unit's the the mele. Finally about mid 41' I managed to break and capture London, and they retreated to Manchester and thing's started looking decent, it would just take a lot of time for me to take the whole island, and the channel being cut off wasn't helping, and i wouldn't be able to afford a navy large enough to do much of anything. Then all of a sudden the USSR attacks me in my almost completly undefended eastern front capturing 1 city in the opening move. I had some troops stuck in france so i got them over to the east in time to slow the russins down but it's pretty apparant that Unless i can somehow totally smash the english and US in England the russin's will drive me back to berlin.

The whole point of this experiment was to see if i could get Spain to join in, of course even after the fall of London they never did... pretty much making them ethier out the picture or a huge gamble.

Does anyone have a plan that could take out England quickly and allow me to turn on Russia? thanks

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The only way I've seen it become feasable is if the Allied player sends nearly all his ships to the Mediteranean, usually to pursue an Italy/Balkans plan. If not the only way I can figure is to line the Channel with Luftflottes and sink the Royal Navy when it responds to the initial invasion force -- which I usually use a few corps for, saving the more expensive stuff for later, when the Royal Navy is too crippled to come south en masse. After taking London it seems Soviet war posturing makes a dramatic increase, so that has to be watched for as well.

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I just started a new game to test out a Sealion invasion...in hopes I can pull it off in a multi game.

By Aug of 1940 I had a strong foothold in England. I had 2 Hq's and about 7 units. Plus I had 5 air units on the shores of France pounding any UK ships that came into view. I hadn't spent any resources on research yet. I had an Italian HQ, 4 Italian corp/Armies and 4 German corps on the border with Russia.

Spain joined for the first time ever in my SC experience, and I hadn't taken any English towns yet. After the UK Navy was crippled, I could then focus my air power on defending English troops and take their cities. They fell quickly, but Russia had already declared war and attacked through Romania and were hitting my Italian-German front without much success. By then I was able to transfer all my units to the Eastern Front and begin Russia's slow retreat.

The US joined quite early as well, and they even landed in England during my invasion to help out...but they never got an HQ there and they were destroyed. By early 1941 though, the game was basically over.

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You see i had almost exactly the same amount of unit's in England as you, 2 HQ's and about 7 unit's atleast plus a few Italian corps. But for some reason even AFTER london fell Spain would not enter and the red army is just pounding me.

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