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Revisitation Rights

Desert Dave

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I have noticed from time to time that someone will respond in a thread by apologizing for introducing an old idea or topic.

I am thinking... NO NEED FOR THAT. ;)

The game is evolving. There are revisions. New ways to look at the old ideas are always possible, especially since we all have fresh ideas gleaned from playing human opponents, either PBEM or TCP/IP.

One could search back through every single solitary topic that has already been discussed, but, why should anyone necessarily have to do that? They might. It would help them to understand some of the issues involved.

But, IMHO, it is NEVER inappropriate to express concerns or questions or suggestions or comments, no matter how often they have been previously explored.

And, on a more personal note, and hey! it's just me, but I don't care for this "newbie" business. I didn't like it when I first started, and I think it somewhat condescending now. Surely there are better ways to "kid around" than that?

If someone can find this site, and take the time to write out their opinion or comment, then they have been alive exactly long enough to have earned the SAME rights as anyone else.

Besides, wisdom or insight isn't merely a function of age or longevity, either in terms of day-to-day life, or wargaming experience, yes? ;)

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It's fascinating how the same topics seem to come and go on the forum. And as the game evolves with various patches, some old issues get resolved only to be replaced with new ones. Strategies and counter-strategies require modification to keep up with the game revisions. And depending on what game settings you play with, and whether you play solo of against someone else, it all makes each game unique.

Remember, between FOW, random politics and the stupid little mistakes we all make while playing the game, it's always different. So in many ways we're all still newbies, trying different things and seeing what happens. No need to apologize for that.

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As originally posted by Bill Macon:

Strategies and counter-strategies require modification to keep up with the game revisions.

As example, if we do indeed get the new research limitations as already proposed by Hubert, then you are going to see some MAJOR changes in strategy.

Consider this: if you no longer can rely on high tech units, nor a great number of units (as all those corps in Russia), then you WILL have to be more exacting in game play.

You WILL have to be more careful in planning and executing your tactics and long range strategy. No longer can you simply overwhelm the opponent with sheer numbers, or merely superior units.

This next patch should prove to be the greatest change we've yet experienced in SC! :cool:

Also, I would like to remind everyone once again, especially those new to the forum, that ANY area of SC is open for re-evaluation and discussion. smile.gif

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I completely agree and the humor on the sight had been a nice change...Let's try to be helpful to new members and create a fun environment. This is a game after all. God it got bad up here for a while last month. Comparing the production capacities of Russia vs the U.S during WWII...BORING move that over to the General forum where people like to scream at each other about politics everyday but do nothing about it except for "BLAH BLAH BLAH" on the computer. Let's talk about world war II, let's write stories, let's teach new people strategy and the ins and outs of the engine. Let's tell jokes...and have fun!!! Let's be creative!

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Immer Etwas & Zeres

I'm somewhat new to this game and I agree with the both of you 100%! Newbies are still newbies though but should not be considered poor players, rather they may have experience from playing for years with board games and not PC's. What you may have applied when playing Military board games you will still apply in SC! I never underestimate nor talk down to opponents just because I have a few more weeks at playing this game than others! So I raise my cup to both of you "Here, Here!

- Heith

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