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Team USA - Requesting Intel on Euro Opponent

Comrade Trapp

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Any of you guys ever play this "Codename Condor"? He doesn't play on Z-League so I have no clue what his win-loss record is.

So have any of you guys played him? Anyone know what tactics he uses, does he ever Sealion, is he active in the Med, what aspects of the game is he good or bad at? I have never played him before so I have no clue how good he is.

Comrade Trapp

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Do you know what his nickname is? His style is TCC. TCC = Terif Cookie Cutter. You'll get no surprises, nothing interesting, he plays by Terif's book. Why do you think I call him Clone?

That's it, because I've already reached my weekly locked thread quota. Anytime Immer or Kuniworth are combined on one of my threads, it's soon to be locked.

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