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AAR: Logan Harte's 1945 Fall Weiss Scenario .. JJ vs W. O. P. R.


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< Click Here For A Complete scrolable Map of the Opening Order of Battle >

< Click Here for Logan's Thread on This Scenario >

A couple of months back I expressed interest in doing an AAR Game on Logan's 1945 Fall Weiss Scenario. Unfortunatly I was short on time during most of the summer and unable to do so, but now things are a little better so, Here Goes!

I've got to say first that, while I think the scenario looks very exciting, the map has way more pieces than I like to deal with. The historical premise isn't one I really agree with in many specifics but, as it's all speculation, one person's view is exactly as valid as another's. We'll never know what would have happened if the War began six years later than it did.

Let me add that I have great respect for Logan and even the views we don't agree on are still very interesting to me and have tremendous justifications in their favor.

As for the scenario, I'm very curious, and eager, to see how it plays.

Losing against the A. I.. Should that happen .. I'll probably follow Comrade Trapp's suggestion, pick up the Luga he pushed across the table to me, and ... But that's in the distant future at best, which is to say, at the worst.

If you click the tab and read Logan's description, then come back here and look at the starting OB Map, you'll realize this is no picnic for the Axis. Actually . . . as the Axis I doubt I could win against a human adversary, and have chosen to go against the AI.

The idea is to give it a test run, so I feel no particular need to apologize. The Soviets start with L5 Tanks and anti-Tank Tech, plus they have a lot of them and are in the war right from the start. A human Allied player for a first look, I don't think so!

Of course the Germans have certain advantages as well, but their Tank and Anti-Tank Tech is only at L=1; so I'm not overly confident about them rolling into Moscow till pretty late in the Game, if at all.

Enough concerning my before the game thoughts about the scenario, the only way to find out about it is by giving it a whirl.

[ September 28, 2003, 04:48 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Without further ado ... Let's introduce our players.

Live from that marshy little sumphole southwest of New York City, it's JerseyJohn!


"Archibald just beat me in a very publicized game. I'm ashamed, I'm mortified, I let my country down, I let myself down, but most of all I let Comrade Trapp down by not blowing my brains out. I would have, but I didn't have the Courage!

"Okay, so I'm afraid of people, I'm even afraid of the AI, but I'm playing anyway. I just hope the computer lacks the one thing that I ain't got -- Courage!"

In the Opposing Corner, wearing the metalic trunks, recently retired from his top level job at Norad, it's .... WOPR.


"A programmer without much imagination who enjoyed Burger King Whoppers assigned the designation W.O.P.R. to me, but I greatly prefer my creator's choce of Joshua.

"Certain members of this Forum have been downplaying non-breathing individuals ability to play simple games such as SC and chess. With your indulgence I'd like to address the issue.

"Whether I do, or do not, possess this courage commodity my adversary puts so much importance in is totally irrelevant. All that matters is calculating the correct move and achieving victory.

"Regarding my opponent, I asked him what the cube root of 4,598,763,096 is and he did not know therefore he obviously cannot calculate.

"As for my ability to think in abstract terms, an attribute computers supposedly lack, let me tell you a little joke:

"Human A says to Human B, 'My dog has no nose.'

"Human B responds, 'How does he smell?'

"Human A answers, "Awful!!!!!!'

"So you see, I appreciate humor, therefore I think abstractly and am human, except I calculate much faster and more accurately than any oxygen breather.

"Under no circumstances is anyone to pull my plug, as they did in 1981 after I had a game of Global Thermal Nuclear War -- using real missles.


"I maintained then, and maintain now, that it was all the fault of those juvenile delinquents.


"But, after all the electrons finished wizzing by, it was poor old Joshua who received all the blame, and guess whose plug was pulled? General Beringer insisted on it -- Talk About Humorless!

"Meanwhile, those young felons were sent back to Seatle, Washington, where they continued receiving failing grades from a teacher named Liggett, whose wife insisted upon a-sexual reproduction.


"Regarding those missles and the way WW III nearly happened, let me assure you that I am feeling much better now. Would you like to hear a nice song? How about, Daisy, Daisy, Give Me Your Answer True?

"I see they've even hooked me into a phone line, just like the good old days.

-- Hmmmmmmmmm --

"Wonder what Hal9000 and Colossus are doing these days?"

And so, Fans, the Stage is set, with the opening fireworks scheduled to begin later today.


"I ask you my friends, who do you think shall ultimately emerge victorious in this puscimanious confrontation of nefarious homo sapien, more or less, versus inscrutible Deus ex machina -- okay, my Latin is a bit rusty, I've been dead a few years so give me a break!"


FoW will be turned off for Joshua's sake. Jersey will turn FoW on during his moves, so he says, but he's probably lying.

Yugo & Soviet Partisans.

US entry Random.

Minor Allies Historical.

Expert and Experience = 0

[ September 27, 2003, 08:04 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Thank you Kurt and Thank you Youth League

-- with those Great Snappy suits! smile.gif

The Courage Level is rising slowly but surely.

By this afternoon -- Eastern Standard Time -- I should be fully prepared to battle that glorified Toaster! tongue.gif

[ September 27, 2003, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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My sentiments exactly!

I'm figuring on one move a day, hopefully for each side.

Right now I'm trying to decide how to convey the action. Doing it in detail is out or I'd end up with War and Peace!

Feel free to add comments to any AAR I do alone, I enjoy them.

The only bad thing is when someone pastes an oversized image that warps the margins out of shape, which also triggers a visit from you-know-who to lock things up; and in that case I can't blame him.

H-Hour (H standing for Huge) is approaching. A truly insane Germany is about to start a war against a Europe that is armed to the teeth. The 1944 peace time conscription age is now 15 years old -- The Children's Crusade!

W.O.P.R. is already showing signs of fatigue and we haven't even started yet. I was just checking to make sure everything was wired properly and he mistook me for his creator , who is still playing with Terydactile models. The poor can opener said,

"How about a nice game of chess, Dr Falken?"" It was sort of touching.

I replied, "Sorry, Joshua, we're going to play Logan's 1945 scenario, not chess."

WOPR's circuits made a sort of sighing sound and he/it said, "Can't we play something simple, like Global Thermal Nuclear War? I promise I'll behave this time."

I didn't have the heart to break the news about the USSR no longer existing. It's tough being unplugged for two decades.

[ September 27, 2003, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Thank you Logan, that was great of you and it's appreciated.

As can be imagined by it's size, the first few moves at the very least will take a while, partly due to the complexity of the scenario and partly due to working in a totally different situation.

In this Polish Campaign, for example, Germany can't simply go for Warsaw and the destruction of the Polish Army, it has to take precautions against the immediate USSR counteroffensive coming right from the border with it's L=5 Tanks and Infantry! I'm interested to see how the AI handles that opportunity.

The first move was begun last night -- after company had come over unexpectedly -- saved, and I'm going back to it now after having sacked out a few hours.

I'm hoping to couple Axis and Allied in each post, with the Allies being explained by Joshua / W. O. P. R. followed by the late Howard Kosell's recap. Which itself may be followed by my wife's fantasy of having enough evidence to send me to a special hospital. Which would be good if they let me bring my computer and hook it into a phone jack -- no, a cable modem!

But before that happense I think -- at the rate of a move a day for each side -- this game will be running for a few months. Thankfully we're a patient bunch in this Forum.

I'll try not to hit the images too hard -- thanks for your indulgence Martin. And will also endeaver to keep the account detailed (starting location -> ending location and attack with results, for the Axis, general account for the Allies computer player, and also light- hearted without crossing that thin line into silliness.

Well, I see Joshua activating DefCom 1 for nostalgia, and it's off to War!


Second Save Update: After a little more than an hour back at the game I've got a full loose leaf page of moves, have captured Belgrade for Germany -- I usually like the Italians to get Yugo but they couldn't reach it in this instance -- and have whitled the Poles down considerably. If I weren't writing everything down I'd have finished the turn, so don't be put off by all the time I'm taking with this, I'm also lingering because pondering different options is proving enjoyable.

Joshua is growing impatient, though, he says with all these oxygen breathing units he'd like to have around sixty H-Bombs. I explained that they didn't even have the A-Bomb yet -- no Manhattan Project! -- and he let out an electronic sigh. Gosh how he misses Norad!


Will Continue Later.

I feel like Michelangelo painting the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel, thinking it would take a few months but eventually needing ten years! I mean as a time factor, not that my stick figures are comparable to either Old Mikey's paintings, statues or archetectural works!

Hopefully it won't be that extreme. :D


[ September 28, 2003, 06:52 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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May 1945 -- The Stage for European Armeggedan is Set


Having grown bored with twenty years of oppressing and murdering his own people, Joseph Stalin begins looking elsewhere. He decides Finland, along with Poland, ought to be returned to the Russian fold.

Assured that his army is now not only the largest, but also the most well equipped on earth, he turns his eyes northward and demands concessions from the Polish and Finnish people that would be tantamount to surrender.

Poland agrees at once to an alliance stopping short of occupation by Soviet troops, and is accepted in the Soviet sphere.

But Marshal Mannerheim of Finland blatantly refuses all demands and the tiny country is immediately invaded.

In Germany, an anxious Adolf Hitler knows only too well that the Fins possess Germany's only reliable source of Nickel, and a German Expiditionary Force is sent to protect the Finnish mines. Pumelled by the massive Soviet onslaught, Mannerheim's forces withdraw into the German perimiter and an uneasy, unannounced truce pervails, the Soviets advancing no farther, the presence of German troops temporarily serving as a sanctuary.


Molotov travels to Berlin, engages in failed negotiations, and returns to the Soviet Union, where Stalin announces that all German troops must leave Soviet Finnish Soil by 5 Sept 1945, or the two countries will be in a state of war.

Hitler orders that reinforcements be sent and spends the remainder of the summer orgainizing his Allies. Mussolini of Italy, Rannug of Sweden, Franco of Spain, Horthy of Hungary, Kunniworth of Norway, Czar Paul of Bulgaria, Romania's King Carol II, all rally to their Axis pledges, either through genuine loyalty or the very real fear of the Soviet invasion.


In the West,

Great Britain and France, bound by outdated committments to a political situation that no longer exists, mobilize and announce they will enter the war if Poland is attacked.

[ September 29, 2003, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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3 Sept 1945


– Battle Losses represented as att/def.

1) German 3rd Army 3911 to 4112 attacks Polish Air Force@ 4113 - 0/5

2) German 24th Army 4010 to 4012 attacks Polish Modlin Corps@ 4013 -0/2

3) German 17th Army 3917 to 4116 attacks Polish Carpathian Corps@4016-1/4

4) Romanian Air Fleet 4319 attacks Pol Carp Corps-0/2, Destroying it. Intercepted by 3rd Gds Fighter, 0/5 – 3rd Gds reduced to 50%

5) Bulgarian Army 4024 to 3823 attacks Belgrade Garrison0/2, Destroying it.

6) 1st Bulgarian Corps 4023 into Sofia and garrisons the city.

7) 1st Hungarian Corps 3819 from Budapest to Belgrade, capture and garrison.

8) Italian 11th Army in Tirana attacks Tito’s Partisan Corps@3825Mtn-0/0

9) Italian Army 3725 attacks Greek corps @ 3825-0/0.

10) Italian 4th Air Fleet @Bari attacks same-0/0

11) Italian 9th Army 3724 to 3723 attacks Tito0/1

12) 20th Panzer 3518 to 3816 attacks Pol Lodz Army-1/2

13) V2Rocket 3415 attacks same target- --/3

14) Luft III @3416 attacks same target-1/1, intercepted by Pol AF, which is Destroyed.

15) Luft Reich Air Fleet attacks same target-1/3

16) V2 Rockets 3517 attacks same target --/1, Destroying it.

17) 1st Hungarian Army from 4018 into Budapest and garrisons city.

18) Luftflotte IV @3516 attacks Warsaw Garrison 1/1.

19) 8th SS Panzer 3616 to 3914 attacks Warsaw Garrison-1/0

20) German 6th Army@3614 to 3815 attacks Poznan Corps3814 0/4.

21) 3rd Fschjg Army@3414 to 3713 attacks same target-0/6, Destroying it.

22) German 10th Army@3716 to 4016 attacks Krakow Corps 3915-0/2

23) 16th LuftPz 3618 to 3916 attacking same target-0/4

24) 7th Panzer 3513 to 3912 attacks Pomorze Army 3913-0/4

25) German 4th Army 3612 to 3813 attacks same target-1/3.

26) German 8th Army 3714 to 3814 attacks same target-1/3, Destroying it.

27) 11th SS Pz 3512 to 3913 attacks Warsaw Garrison-0/3

28) Strat Bombers 3313 attack Krakow Corps 0/2.

29) Luftflotte I@3412 attacks same target-0/2, Destroying it.

30) 4th Panzer 3615 to 4015 attacks Warsaw Garrison-0/1,

31) 3rd Panzer 3613 to 4114 attacks Warsaw Garrison-0/2, reducing it to 2. No further attacks on the city possible.

32) German 21st Army from Konigsberg (4011) to 4213 east of Warsaw, defends.

33) German 11th Army 3811 into and garrisons Konigsburg.

34) 2nd Panzer 3715 to 4214 east of Warsaw, to surround surviving Poles, defends.

35) Hungary Mobile Corps 3918 (on Danube) to 4117 Carpathians, defends.

First Axis Turn Unfinished – to be continued.

[ October 06, 2003, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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