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Operation Crocodile 2.0 Finished!

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This is the improved version of Operation Crocodile. If you rnot familar with it, heres the synopsis. July 1943. The western allies are on the eve of operation Husky and the Soviets have just crushed operation Zitadelle. Roosevelt ans Churchill have met in Casablanca and have decided the course of the liberation of Europe. The main thrust will not be in France. But in the South, The soft Underbelly of Europe. The americans are tasked with the conquest of Italy and the British are tasked with the liberation of Greece and the balkans. In January 1944 the allies are to launch Operation Sledgehammer, a diversionary landing in Calais. And in August 1944 The british are to launch Operation Northern Light, the invasion of Norway and denmark. The goal is to be in Berlin Before December 1944. Are you up to the challenge?

Email me at supersabre1@netscape.net or winnieisback@yahoo.com if your ready to Launch Operation Crocodile.


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