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+329 Score as Axis


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I just finished a game as axis and it ended in May of 1945. I had a score of 329. In order I invaded Poland, Denmark, France, Sweeden, Norway, Yugoslavia (after Hungary, Rummania & Bulgaria joined). Then I drove into Russian in Oct 1941. The U.S. joined same turn. I kept digging in USSR and made some ok progress and I bogged down some as my supply tether extended near Rostov, Leningrad Line. Finally I broke a few cities and began the wrapping and severing of units.

In summer 43, the allies tried to land in the west and were repelled. I had build up 6 air fleets and some corps. Was playing the air dance and kept them off me. By 44, I counter invaded the US and Canada and won fairly quickly as many American units were sunk on ship or stuck in Britain. Late 44 Russia surrenderd and I rebuild my navy and all the while just poured corps onto mainland England. After 4-5 turns it crumbled due to tons of air and a blockade of about 15 ships and a huge wolfpack force just for fun.

I guess expert is next....

Any advice on expert??

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What was the final "Tech" table"? Just curious. If you beat the A.I on intermediate ( as the axis) I predict you will also also win handily as axis on expert. There are little things you can do to make it harder. Delay your attack on France but don't attack any minors for plunder. And allow Russia to declare war on you ( at their leisure). Their mobilization is then not hampered by surprise.

In general, I find the Axis A.I more devious than the allies. My current game, which we are using as the engine for the "Free French" AAR, I'm using Axis A.I: Expert, Experience +1. And it's fighting well but Italy is stil pretty dumb. And Germany still over-reacts to Italian blunders. Sounds like your ready for some good PBem, hot-seat or LAN play.

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I have done some hot seat at my shop with 2 different people. I have managed to beat them, so far as to say that I can take France, but its damn hard vs a human. You stick any unit out that can be surrounded/attacked on 3 sides and it usualy dies. ;\

Problem vs humans is the time tables favor the allies. Most people can hold onto France longer than any AI. The economics of the early game favor the allies sleightly and buying time is not so difficult. If Russian can come in on a human vs human game soon after the Fall of France then chances are the Germans are not fully lined up on the east to take advantage of it.

In the east vs a human I play a run away defense and sit corps in the border cities and try not to move my armies in the interior to build up entrenchment, but after teh full brunt of the axis comes to bear, its hard to have staying power. Its funny,.... once one part of the Soviet line cracks, it all comes down like a house of cards and you have to run, leaving road blocks and hope you can reform a line or the Siberian Transfer comes. By then I am desperately trying to establish a west front. Actually in my last hot seat game, Im breaking out of Denmark as the allies with lots of resistence and barely hanginging on with the Russians.... I have the attention of about 1/3 of the total german OB on diverted to the west so its helping but may not be in time.

I am up for some PBEM or TCP if anyone wants a game to beat me up in.


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Well the allies seemed harder at first, but in time it all came together. Only +141 though as a score finishing in late 1944. Lower score since the German AI hardly declared war on any neutrals. I found that less research provided nearly the same amount of advancement. 2 research points is about as successful as 5, but my experience is limited.

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