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Need some help with an Early Sea Lion


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This is the first time I have tried an Early sea lion, mostly because I could never understand how so early in the game one could challenge the Royal Navy and be able to land without lossing half your transport's to battleships and such. Well I pulled a brilliant plan in which I drew the Royal Navy out to many different spots and succeded in landing all of my transports. Everything was going fine, and in fact Spain even joined the Axis 3 turns into my invasion. I captured London and the goverenment fled to Manchester, so I proceeded to attack there. Then all of a sudden I realized that not only had the US's war readiness spiked like I had figured, but the USSR did as well. The US I could have handled fairly easily, but the USSR was a huge problem, and top it all off, only 1 axis minor in the blakins joined my alliance. I had to pull 2 armies and ALOT of MPPs from England to get a defence up, which held fine. Then at the gates of Manchester, I finally broke and destroyed the UK corps, only to find I had nothing to move into the city... they replaced the corps and AGAIN I destroyed it with nothing to move in... so frustrating. By now the US had landed all behind me and drove my plans back to france and taken London, my 2 tank groups, 1 army and 1 italian army left in the UK were pretty much toast. I managed to surprisingly drive the soviet's back and if the US and UK wern't still around *chuckle* I could beat them even without my veteran forces.

Does anyone have a plan for an early sea lion right after the fall of france?

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Plenty of Luftflottes along the Channel coast then moved behind your armies after you've taken London and have begun moving inland.

Also, make sure you have one more unit in England than you had this time so you'll be able to occupy Manchester! tongue.gif

Good invasion all the same.

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