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PBEM Etiquette


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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

Hueristic, Old Man and Reepacheep

The next PBEM Tournament disorder and myself are planning will use a scenario Panzer39 has been working on and that we've been playtesting. [/QB]

Nice put me on the list and toss me an email if i'm not lurking around when u guys start Plz.

I'm getting a bit sick of playing the same scenerio myself ;)

I want a random map Generator BAAAH. :D

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"I want a random map Generator BAAAH." -- :D Hueristic

In the Thread Government Policy and War Dorothy of Kansas and her friends request exactly the same thing of the Wizard.

-- Can't imagine why you're so down on that young lady -- I was moved by her defense, drunk and high on crack she had to do the smart thing and go out driving. She thought the poor bastard was a moth on her windshield, or something. Naturally, she went home and parked the car in her garage, leaving him impaled in the glass to bleed to death. What gets me was the way her friends helped her cover everything. One of them even got there while the moth was still fluttering, but they couldn't call the hospital even then! I'm glad they threw the book at her, it's about time they started to really treat insane drivers as murderers. And the one who arrived early and began covering up while the victim was still breathing instead of getting medical help, was not charged with any crime at all.

I've recently had a weekend barfly climb the curb to hit my parked car which was almost entirely off the curb -- couldn't find him, now my own excellently maintained car groans and huffs because of that moron. If a pedestrian had been there the jerk would have hit him or her and driven away.

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[ June 28, 2003, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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