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France Attack in 1940?

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Hello, all:

I am from CA and am still waiting for SC (which I ordered on Aug 1st) to come. During the wait time, I repeatedly played SC gold demo. For some reason, I like to play as Allied unlike most of you out there. I am wondering if anyone had been successful having France and England on the attack instead of just defending in the campaign "Fall of France". I best I even did was to hold the frontline and it seems like I never have the money to buy a French leader. Thank you!

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It depends by what you mean "Attack". If you mean an Allied counter offensive in France, then no, I've never had any luck with it. If you want a French HQ (not a bad idea at all) you will probably have to disband the air unit to pay for it.

If by "Attack" you mean strike back somewhere against the Axis then yes, there are a number of viable options. Taking out Italy was very popular at one time, Norway is almost a given, Sweden, Portugal, Greece, Spain are all possibilities.

Even a landing by a single corps somewhere not in France can buy you several turns as the Computer reacts to the invasion by stripping troops away from France (and spending lots of MPP's on Operational moves).

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