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Question on amphib landings


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Ok, hate to sound stupid here, but how do you conduct amphib landings? I've tried before, but could never get troops on the ground. Ok-say I want to invade england-after I've secured air and sea, as well as have my troops on the coast, how do I actually land them? Are there set points they can get off at, or do I have to bomb the ports into the ground? Do enemy troops have to be a certain distance away...etc etc.

If someone could just explain how it works, I'd be very thankful.

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You run your transports up to next to the empty coastal hex you want to land them on. The next turn, you right-click on them and choose the Unload option.

Once you conquer a port you can land them in the port without waiting til the next turn, and they can more one more hex also.

[ February 28, 2003, 05:28 AM: Message edited by: AndrewT ]

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