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I'm No. 1!!


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Being the second is always rough and discouraging.

If it's any consolation, looking back on this thing through the ages, the SC Forum has been greatly influenced by you as one of the founding fathers, so to speak. After all, you're main interests are "Beer, Movies and Games" , and those have been recurring topics from the start.

Being able to address something to you after all this time, it gives me the chills, it's like writing a letter to John Hancock.

I'm in awe and stuff.

[ September 25, 2003, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Man, you guys must be bored.

I haven't returned because I never left. Just been lurking. Took a break from SC and CMBB for awhile and just reloaded them last month.

It's like Christmas all over again.

I was shocked to see my name on the thread, I thought someone had stolen my identity or something. I guess this resurrection would also explain the mysterious email I received stating,

"I have returned you to your rightful position on the S C board."

Carry On

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Priviledged to do so.

An essential part of the Forum's heritage has been restored: the second member to post here, and his historic contribution, the first totally irrelevant Thread, paving the way for tens of thousands to follow! ;)

[ September 25, 2003, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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