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German computer Outsmarted me!


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Playing as the Allies I was kicking German But.

I had Conquered Italy and was on the Southern Border of Germany.

I had liberated Denmark and was pressing Kiel.

The French Boarder was defended by the French on the Maginot Line and 2 units in Belgium.

Italy fell in one turn - so the German had pulled troops off the French Front. With Fog of war on I could see 1 Army in Antwerp 1 tank to the south of it, 2 armies neer Kiel and 1 Army south of Munich.

By This point in the game I had destroyed 2 German tanks and 1 air force.

So I decided to chase down the german air force in southern germany. So I moved the Magino Line forward into Southern Germany, unfortunately my first unit got ambushed and took heavy loses.

At his point I decided to send a second unit behind the first to protect the first army's rear.

With my plans foiled I decided to trap the german tank in Belgium. So I moved a French army through the ardennes forest and attacked the tank from behind. Unfortunately, I took heavy Losses but the Tank remained at full streangth.

With both Fr and Brt Air fleets below 5 I decided to reenforce them instead of attacking the tank. Then I moved my last unit to the front.

At this point I expected the Germans to retreat and regroup to prepare for a three front war.

Instead the Computer attacked the unit infront of the tank with air units and an army destroying my corps and then drove his last tank straight into Paris which was left unedfended. To my complete shock!

The words that came out of my mouth at that point included mother and sounded like trucker.

At the end of the German turn France surrendered and in the next turn the Germans were on their way to kicking my ass out of Italy and Denmark!

That Day I gained some respect for the Computer.


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It is fun when you attack russia, and let the rushkies get all the way to paris then take paris and choke the russians off, you can desroy more than half there army. let them take the lower half of germany, just defend citys and thay kepp moving forward all the way to paris.

to get the timming right attack russia on second or third turn. make sure you take france, and attack Baltic states on first turn, build force north and then run down cutting off supply.

does not seem like the computer runs out of supply though?

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Just fought a strange round as the Allies. An Italian unit ended up moving into Paris. When France surrendered, Italy got 1100+ MPPs from plunder and ended the turn with over 1600! I landed the Gibralter corps near Rome just to see what would happen. Italy had built two tank groups and an air in the vicinity and promptly polished my corps off. I expected to watch Italy go on a Mediterranean rampage, but it never happened - maybe I scared them with my "invasion." Following the pro-allied coup in Yugoslavia, Germany, Rumania and Hungary pounded on them but no Italians. Game ended before Italy did anything. With FOW I couldn't tell what they were up to, but sure would have been fun to continue. Interesting AI! :cool:

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