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Using resources to limit unit availability


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Instead of limiting air/armour units by fixing the forcepools, why not use the oil/mine resources to play a role.

For instance, each oil/mine source provides for x number of air/armour units. If you build more than can be supported, then the supply status of all units are effected and readiness drops across all air/armour units. So if someone wants to build 20 air units but thier available oil can't support that many they'll have a large fleet of low readiness units. Capturing oil fields would allow an increase in unit availability.

I think that the supply/readiness game concept is very good and should be used to maximum effect.

Any thoughts?

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I really like the idea of differentiating between oil and other resources. A major country should have some type of oil reserve point number and each time a unit is used that would require oil the reserve looses a point. The units that could require oil can simply be air/armor/naval. If the country had no remaining oil points, maybe a unit could still move half of what it could before, but not be able to attack (or at a penalty)?

Also, at the end of the turn countries gains oil reserve points based off there current oil centers. This would add some reality to maintaining certain unit types in the field.

I have not thought all the details out, but if there's positive feedback from designers, I'll be happy to do more brainstorming.

- Each major county would begin each campaign with a starting oil reserve value.

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We've recently seen posts describing either a "massive-air" or "massive-tank" Axis strategy which can be overwhelming. I have not personally seen this yet, but I'll accept that it's out there and that some sort of force limits besides MPPs could help. The goal is to maintain some force balance without making the game too complicated or too restrictive. This was discussed pretty heavily a couple weeks ago, but we couldn't agree on how force pool limits should be implemented.

Suggestion. What if the total MPP value of air/tank/rocket units (ie, all the high tech air/ground stuff) cannot exceed the total MPP value of corps/army units (ie, low tech) in play at any given time for a nation? "Excess" units would not be eliminated; you just couldn't reinforce or build new ones until balance was restored. Naval units could be handled separately.

This may not completely resolve force pool concerns, but seems simple enough and practical without expecting players to micromanage resources or keep up with gearing ratios or other such things. And it may be simple enough to code as a patch one of these days.

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I know there has been a lot of discussion to tone down the power of air-units a bit. they do seem to be a bit tough at low tech level. Perhaps hard-hitting air power should be reserved for higher tech levels. This might help counter the "air" blitz strategy.

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As originally posted by Bill Macon:

Suggestion. What if the total MPP value of air/tank/rocket units (ie, all the high tech air/ground stuff) cannot exceed the total MPP value of corps/army units (ie, low tech) in play at any given time for a nation? "Excess" units would not be eliminated; you just couldn't reinforce or build new ones until balance was restored. Naval units could be handled separately.

Yet another thoughtful suggestion by -- Mr Bill! ;) .

Keeping some sort of proportion or ratio seems a simple yet effective solution for -- it's just TOO MUCH -- what the OTHER guy's got!

This would allow larger armies with momemtum to expand their Air and Armor and would also prevent them from overloading on these kinds of units. They would still be offensive, but a more realistic offensive.

How would the prevention mechanism work? Presumably the computer would know, and grey out selections which are ineligible. Something along the lines of a reasonable % based on historical norms AND (+/-) for research accomplishment.

Sounds good to me. :cool:

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As originally posted by JayThomas:

Instead of limiting air/armour units by fixing the forcepools, why not use the oil/mine resources to play a role.

Because everyone would then focus deliberate attention on wherever the black gold is glittering-gushing! (... hmmm, as... now) and there would be ad hoc, helter-skelter strategies in these very FEW areas, yes? smile.gif

Britain would be bereft since Venezualian oil is not available (... may be in SC2?) unless you provide provisions where Russian & USA might ship it over seas. But, then you'd have to make the oceans a little larger for a more realistic U-boat V.S. Convoys campaign.

And, no way to disperse known 1940-era oil fields over a wide enough area, as with Civ-type games.

So. Though an interesting idea, it seems there are too many obstacles to overcome just now. ;)

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