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Interceptors (yes again - sorry)

Brian Rock

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Originally posted by dougmangin:

This is quite on target.

Perhaps it should cost to fix cities. Right now cities are slowly fixed at a minimal cost to the defender - just a couple of turns worth of reduced production.

Say it costs the defender 20MPPs per lost point to rebuild a city; this would balance the cost between attacker (Bomber) and defender (CIty). ...well, perhapps 20 MPPs is not the "right" number. I am sure Hubert and Co. will play test this idea if they like it. But, it seems odd that it should cost nothing to repair a city.

Alternatively, a city could remain under capacity for many many turns, Say, it takes 20 MPPs lost of production to fix each city point. So a 10 point city city that is down to 0, will spend 2 turns before it rebuilds to 1, while a 10 point city that is down to 5, will lose four turns before reaching full production. And a 5 point city that is down to 0 will take 4 turns before it recovers to 1. ...hope you get the idea, stretch your rebuild time to achive the desired cost upon the defender.

There are many ways in which the designers can make Bombing raids more lethal on the defender. As you make bombing raids more lethal, you make Bombers and AA Radar much more valuable.

However, one red flagg should be raised: If you make Bombing too lethal, you may tilt the balance too much in favor of the Allies. You could compensate this maybe by making also subs more lethal. Which in turn would make Sub and Sonar tech more valuable. I change I would also welcome.

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