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Strategy - SeaLion

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I have found that SeaLion is one good response to an aggressive allied opponent (such as if the UK fleet is pulled into the Med, heavy allied air defence of France is used, or possibly even the Dutch gambit).

As a result of the growing (and very interesting) aggressive allied tactics, is anyone willing to share a good 1940 Sealion tactic?

First, as the Axis, I ensure air superiority. 4 Air units at full strength.

Then I move my 3 German ships to the north of Denmark, in striking range.

I try to amass 6-7 or so armies/tanks and place them to strike primarily at London. I only ship one HQ initially.

Ideally, I attempt to run a corps by Manchester and possibly 2 by Edinburgh. This drains nearly every German unit.

It takes 4 or so turns to succeed this way (depending on the defence) and often it may be enough for the US to enter the war.

Thereafter, I have found that being patient works. Neutrals are easy to take because they become UK units which can not be reinforced with Britain out. The Russian offensive is sluggish, but the US has very little chance to successfully invade the west - especially if they come early. MPPs eventually really build up for the Axis.

Other ideas?

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