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Why Can't MPP's be Transfered Between Nations?

von Lucke

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Title pretty much says it, and I've been wondering this since I started playing. I'm sure everybody has at some point wished they could "loan" MPP's from Germany to Italy, or from USA to England.

Anybody have an official word on this element of game play that I might have missed somewhere?

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My unofficial answer: Because it would destroy play balance. If the USA was able to directly transfer to England, you'd never see any American troops. Likewise, all the Italian points would be transferred to Germany.

A more historical answer would be that soverign nations, even when at war, maintained separate militaries. And in the game, MPPs are used (for the most part) in purchasing military units.

Now, you could consider Lend-Lease to be a transferral of MPPs from the USA to Great Britain. (And many opponents in Congress screamed it was just that.) But then the game includes a way to disrupt that, via submarines.

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Yes, I realize that wholesale transfer of MPP's would disrupt the game economics. I had more in mind a limit on transfers of something like 50 - 100 (just an estimate) a turn. I'm operating under the impression that MPP's represent raw materials (ore, oil, treasure, etc), and so should be transferable.

And yah, I can see how it could be rationalized that Lend Lease is already factored into the game --- but that only works for England and USSR. Plus which, I'd like to see a something a little more, err, material.

Let's say these MPP transfers could be interdicted by the Axis subs, or the Allied strategic bombers. For every point of each unit deployed 1 - 3 points of the transfer is eliminated. And before you say it, I know this is similar to how subs already work, I'm just looking at something a little more dynamic. Not to mention, it will give players a reason to buy strategic bombers. (Hmmmm, maybe strategic bombers for the Allies should work like subs do for the Axis anyway...?)

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