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Too many things hardcoded?


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I wonder whether it wouldn´t be a good idea to make some more parameters available to customizing.

- Bill already mentioned the fact that we seem not to be able to do anything about the setup of countries not already at war at the start of the game.

- I also would like to mention the possibility of letting us fool around with the attack/defense values of units in all categories (this was actually one of the few things I liked about Axis and Allies).

Of course, this also makes me bring up the issue of the AI vs AI feature again. I really would like to have that for balance testing purposes in scenario making. smile.gif


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A full function editor would be nice, but I doubt we'll see one with the initial release. TOAW is great - users can create maps, define units, edit the events engine, whatever. However, that game is terribly detailed and you can't just define a 10-factor corps for something on the SC scale without a lot of work. So I like the possibility of using SC for simpler games.

In lieu of an editor, I would hope SC could have a default parameters file we could tweak with a text editor. I can't imagine each parameter is hardwired into each code algorithm, so there must be a definition file somewhere. But it's probably not that simple. Anyway, maybe we'll see something later.

I must admit that I'm not bored yet with the 1-year demo, even with the several things I don't quite agree with. So the full campaign game should be a blast. I can eventually see a 12-step program for helping people off SC. "Honey, it's 2am! Are you coming to bed???" :D

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