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WL+PL AAR Zapp - Dragonheart


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As this game is valid for both leagues we made a fixed bid of 200. So each player will get 200/1000/4000 for playing allies. (Irak Neutral)

As i need my full concentration to the gameplay and i´m not one of the fastest players i prefer to write AAR´s after the gaming sessions.

In the first game i got axis.

Brief Summary

After full breaktrough in the south (destroyed army and corps) i got poland in round 2. Dispite this fact my subs were discovered early by the polish AF in Canada. The Allied hunt them down and 2 rounds later they were done without damage for the british navy.

For LC i used my usual Dragonheart-Lite version (3AF+1A+1C)and was lucky to get a kill with my last attacking corps. (3hit) In round 3 i tried to kill the french army in the ardennen forest but after 3 attacks i realized that it will fail and used the remaining AF´s to finish off Denmark.

Also in the 2nd round of the french campagne i could not make a breaktrough, so i trained my AF on the mine. In round 3 the ardennen forest was taken, another army damaged and my sub damaged one of his ships.

The following rounds i got between 1-2 kills per round and my armies poored into the south of france. Additional i could damage another 2 ships with my cruisers.

I avoided the coast and his two armies there. I used my full power on the south and finally in June ´40 france surrendered.

My losses in france were moderate...just 1 army and 1 corps, all my ships could escape heavily damaged.

The following action was usual standart. I got Norway 3 rounds, Vichy 4 rounds, and Sweden 6 rounds after the fall of france. Sweden declined to surrender one round after fall of its capital.

Also Malta, Egypt, Spain, yugoslavia and Gibraltar is mine.

Malta was abandomed,Gibraltar i took before Spain was abandomed too !!!?? This time i also took Brest as i had a couple of rounds before my spain campagne. Maybe important as i can delay D-Day for a couple of rounds.

In Yugoslavia i did a bad mistake and the partisans took Sofia but fortunately i recaptured it immediately.

In this game there was no quiet time as zapp used his complete airpower (well trained carriers with lvl 2 jet and LR 3 or 4!!!!) on his private training camp in norway. Manstein with 2 and later 3 supporting AF´s had a hard time. But Van Bock used the trementous range of the brithish airforce to his advantage and forced several interceptions from france. So Zapp ended the terror in norway.

I dont worry to repair my AF´s because levl 2 jets with lvl 2 in production is nothing for the mighty germany, despite of much heavier losses.

To repair LR 3 or 4 AF´s with jet 2 must be very expensive huhhhhh. :D

Now we are one round from Barbarossa. All is in position although i have to admit that i did one mistake in positioning which causes that i had to sell two research chits and maybe i can´t kill all border armies,tanks and the AF in the first round. Another big problem will be his carriers and his good sighting.

Tech Levl so far

Jet 2

LR 1

Production 2

all others still nothing :(

Zapp your comments pls....

Ps: I visit my friend today and will come home arround 0.30. If you want we could continue for a couple of rounds at this time. Let me know.

Cya Dragonheart

[ January 19, 2004, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]

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Barbarossa kicked off ...all border ground units destroyed, the AF could escape the slugfest.

Some turns later 3 of the 4 border cities taken, breakthrough arround Riga and working towards Leningrad. Tank losses on both sides. He hides his AF as long they got Lvl 4 jet in this way i was cought into a trap and lost one AF in the east. My carrier working from Riga has very low supply and sails back to Königsberg to regain its full strengh.

The south is very quiet only some skirmishes in the marshes.

Due to the irak rule i conquered only portugal, Greece, Switzerland...so i got all minors except irak.

In the west we have heavy airbattles in Norway and France. He is taking full advantage of his AA advantage and is forcing several interceptions.

But all my AF stand fast and fight brave to prevent free carrier training....if he looses at least 1-3 srenghpoints it´s a win for me. Since reaching Lvl 1 AA, and Lvl 2 LR i force him also to intercept. I lost one 1 AF in the west so far.

But i´m guarding Brest with one AF so he can forget D-Day at the moment. GB and US is engaged to repair their air, so i dont think he has much left for ground forces.

Overall situation

I´m gaining arround 810 MPP each round, he gains arround 730 MPP. Whilst he looses more Mpp worth in ground forces (russia), i loose more mpp in the air. I loose more MPP but my advantage is that i have more or less only one front to fight, so i consider to move my italian force to the east... in this way the germans can concentrate on air whilst the italians will be responsible for the groundbattle. I have to be very patient in this game and are not allowed to do any mistakes anymore as this game is very close. I think that this game will decided in the east although i have also some options now in the west.

Known and expected Tech Lvl. (air)


Ami 4

GB 3

Rus 4

Ger 4


Ami 3-4?

GB 3-4?

Rus ?

Ger 2

To be continued....

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3 rd session

At the begin of this sessions i was shocked as i tought i had forgotten to invade Irak. :D But i was not the only one as zapp patrols the irak-russian border ROFL

Ok here we go.

The allies continued to hammer the french soil and other strategic targets with their AF´s an carriers. They were incredible strong. Therefore i left france with my Af´s and also Manstein decided to change to a more friendly part of the front. So finally 6 Hq were fighting for the command of units in the east. :D The lonesome Van Bock was hiding in the french mountains.

With LR 4 Zapp had not problems to spot and destroy almost my hole fleet. Battleresult were 4 italian subs and one cruiser and one battleship sunk. He just lost 1 cruiser and 2 Battleships. Later i could destroy another battleship with my two survived ships...but he was the winner of the seabattle and ruler over the atlantic.

Meanwhile most of the italian groundforce which had already lvl 2 showed also up in east. ----> 7 Hq now ;)

With the italians and heavy airsupport i achieved several breakthroughs and the nazis flooded into the motherland. In front of Minsk they halted to take a breath for 3 rounds. ----> The truth is that i wanted to prepare for the arrival of the sibirians. ;)

Whilst GB and US were occupied to complete their training in the west i started my planed spearhead attack. Within one round my tanks stood at the gates of Moskau, near Rostov and Stalingrad. One round later Moskov was taken and the russians prepared to defend sevastopol, Rostov, Stalingrad and the Ural.

But i did not finish the russians off because i hate to loose airbattles ... i wanted revenge for the defeat in the west So i decided to train my AF´s in the east despite the first yankees arrived in france. Whilst i sent some groundforces back to the west i increased my airforce from 7 to 13 AF´s and let them train.

A couple of rounds later...the allies had captured meanwhile Paris and Brussels too i prepared for the largest Airbattle of my SC-Life. :eek:

Tech situation was LF 4 for him 3 for me. Jet both 4. I just got AA 3 in time...and i think he must have 5.

The first strike came from me but just from my carrier....to weaken his t 4star elefant in london port. Then he countered and half of my planes were heavily damaged. I countered only with half of the full-strengh units repaired some others and advanced to my border cities. Annother counter of him...again heavily damaged (one from 14 to 1!!!) In the 3 rd round i hit hard and he had to withdraw. I sold all my chits to repair as many units as possible. Finally all his AF´s were also heavyly damaged and the once proud lvl4 star carriers were either dead or had to repair.

Also may ground forces advanced now...

Zapp finally surrenered.

It was again a fantastic game ag zapp ...we had both a lot of fun. We both are unable to beat the axis player.....so when i play allies he wins and vice versa :D:D

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