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What reason do you have to "lock my thread" except for that fact that I am on to you guys. This game has gotten mediocre reviews from everywhere, not just me. If you really want to know what people think about this game, then you'd have a truly open forum, where speech is free (no vulgar language tho). Most of these poor sods on this forum are afraid to speak their mind for fear of just what you did to me.

Must be a Canadian thing of no respect for free speech, eh?

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I am not Canadian, watchdog. Your question has been answered in that thread, there are no downloads available for SC, it will come by mail order. That means that the thread you started run its course, and by locking it I was protecting YOU from being abused by others who might find your "tone" questionable.

Now if you do have other agendas you would like to dicuss, feel free to do so, respecting the forum rules. Free speech is allowed and welcome on these forums and no thread has been locked because somebody brought forward valid points about why he doesn't like a game. But threads have been locked for insulting Danes and Canadians smile.gif

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