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If you want to play by email (PBEM) then join the PBEM List. You can do that by sending an email to me: reid@pacific.net.sg

There is no bidding with these games. Sides are assigned (by me).

If you want to play by TCP/IP, then join the Z-ladder. That is more competitive. Bidding is used to decide who gets to play Axis (the preferred side). The bid determines how much extra MPP the Allies will get at the start. A bid of 100, for example, means that the UK, USA and USSR will each get an extra 100 MPP when they first enter the game.

There are some new bidding ideas being used that gives nothing to the USA but more to the USSR. For example, a 1:4 bid arrangement with 100 as the bid would give the UK 100 at the start of the game, nothing to the USA when it enters and 400 to the USSR when it enters.

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