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Rules/Variations Suggestions

Edwin P.

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Although no new updates are planned, here are some suggestions for the SC Rules/Variations Section of the setup screen:

1. AI Tech Bonus - AI for Germany and UK would receive 1 bonus tech chits at start of 1939,1940, 1941 and 1942 to compensate for minimal tech investing by AI routines. (or 2 Chits in January of 1940 and 1941)

This will make for a more balanced game vs human opponents.

2. FOW off for AI / On for Human

This will help the AI to play a better game vs humans.

3. Spanish Partisans (15%/75%)

This encourages players to garrison a conquered Iberia.

4. Russian Winter - 33% per winter turn (1 turn per year)

- Air fleets in Russia/Finland are grounded

- Units in Russia/Finland cannot use operational movement.

5. Random Spotting

- Airfleets have a 95% to spot units in land hexes

- Airfleets have an 80% to spot units in ocean hexes

- Airfleets have a 30% to spot Subs in ocean hexes.

- 5% per turn that these percentages are reduced by 20% due to bad weather

6. Historical Iraq

- Iraq becomes a UK ally as of a specific date if not controlled by the Axis. Historically the UK crushed a coup by Iraqis and retained control of the oil fields.

This would give the UK AI a needed boost without requiring an allied invasion.

Of these ideas:

Greatest Effect in AI Games: #1 and #2 and #6

Greatest Effect in HvsH Games: #3 and #4 and #5

[ June 23, 2003, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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All excellent suggestions.

On #6 why not have Iraq as a UK Ally from the start with a chance that an Axis coup attempt will be made, and if made, it has a 50% chance of succeeding, in which case it would be the UK's option to invade the country. --

-- A Complicating factor would be the presence of UK or French/Free French troops in the country when it occurs; how would this effect the situation? I'd say Iraqi Corps should remain in Baghdad, if not and foreign unit is in the city, coups should automatically succeed and foreign units relocated to adjoining UK area with Baghdad Corps placed in city and an Axis unit.

I think something similar should be set up for Syria as it was invaded by the British and occupied without sparking Vichy to join the Axis.

[ June 22, 2003, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Thanks for your comments.

One reason why I did not have Iraq as starting British from turn 1 is that the game is pretty well balanced as is and giving Iraq to the Germans human player via a coup would be most favorable to the AI.

Why? The current AI has no Med strategies to follow; i.e. abandon the Med for the Atlantic, sink the Italian Fleet, Defend the Middle East, or Conquer the Med (ie Sink Italian Fleet then take Iraq then conquer Libya then take Greece then Sicily, etc). If Germany gets Iraq the AI would never mount an invasion to liberate it.

[ June 22, 2003, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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7. Invasion Weather

From January thru March there is a 66% per turn that no invasions can be launched north of hex (XX,15)due to the effects of severe winter weather conditions. (adapted from JerseyJohn's comments in another thread).

This means that one can launch an invasion during 1 of 3 winter months on average. Of course, your transports have to be in position to take advantage of this break in the weather.

[ June 23, 2003, 09:45 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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