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Another List :3 Simple Changes for a Patch

Edwin P.

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A lot of good ideas have been floated here on this forum. Here's a chance to list 3 "simple" changes you would make in the next patch if you were the designer.

My list would include:

1> Increased chance for German AI to DOW on Denmark on Turn 1,2 or 3.

Why? I have played several games where Germany never attacked Denmark, thus depriving itself of plunder and income. Most players DOW on Denmark on turn 1.

2> Subs that attack merchant convoys and random Starting Location for two German subs located in the North Atlantic in the 1939 Scenario.

Why? Make the hunt for the subs a real hunt in AI and Human vs Human games.

3> Post Surrender Partisans (aka Yugoslavia partisans) for Spain, Turkey, and Russia.

Why? Forces the Axis to garrision conquered countries. These are the only European counties with a history of resisting invaders.

[ May 26, 2003, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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1) Increased chance Germany will invade Norway after taking Denmark.

2) Increased chance Germany will invade Sweden after Norway.

3) Increased chance Germany will invade England if USSR has low entry percentage. Germany also meets force advantage ratio, i.e. total ships + aircraft vs total ships + aircraft determined to control North Sea and airfleet vs airfleet advantage to protect landing forces.

[ May 25, 2003, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Three Simple Changes to SC for the next patch


  1. 90% chance if Fall or Winter, Air Unit (fighter or bomber) is "grounded" (ie AP=0, Spotting = 0)
    As this removes Air from the game about 1/3rd of the year (10 out of 29 turns), easiest way I can think of to reduce the effect of air.</font>
  2. "Flip" the Soft Attack and Defense values within the Army/Corp units.
    This will correct the problem with the combat model when units that are "unequal" in effectiviness meet.</font>
  3. Change the Tank Group attacking Army/Corp from Soft Attack vss Tank Defense to Tank Attack vs Tank Defense.
    Restores Tanks to the dominance they should have if they have the technological lead against anti-tank weapons.</font>

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