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How is it possible to beat the USSR? Unless you defeat them in the first few months that they enter the war, they will eventually just out-produce you. You cannot even just head straight for the capital, so it seems quite impossible. Any suggestions?

Also, is there any reason that the full USA/Canada and Japan are not in the game? It seems like that would add a lot to the game.

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It's easy to beat the USSR. You have to beat them like a meatpie into the 19th century. They have 0 leadership to begin with and a lagging tech. By then you can dominate them! If you build during your occupation wars

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Ok, I see. I went all out anti-tank weapons and got to level 5 before I attack them, so that helps a lot.

More questions:

1. What does supply do? Does it just help you attack, or is it what determines how many reinforcements you can get?

2. Is there any way to build those pil-box things that France starts with, or once they are gone, they are gone>?

3. In the manual, there is an attack called blitz. Aside from moving before you attack, is there any differnce between blitz, regular attack? tx

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1. What does supply do? Does it just help you attack, or is it what determines how many reinforcements you can get?
Supply is one of the factors that determines what your units effectivness rating is. It helps you in combat and your supply level determines the amount of reinforcements.

2. Is there any way to build those pil-box things that France starts with, or once they are gone, they are gone>?
No. Once they are gone, they are gone.

3. In the manual, there is an attack called blitz. Aside from moving before you attack, is there any differnce between blitz, regular attack?
No difference. Manual implies it, but a blitz is nothing more than the ability to move before you attack. Almost all ground units can do that.

As Hueristic mentioned, read the manual. Its an easy read. Don't forget that there is a newbie sticky topic as well. Read it. There is some good information in there as well. There is also a Strategy Guide, which I believe the newbie sticky points to. Its worth the time as well.

PS... You need a PDF reader, which you can get free from Adobe. Just do a search, you'll find it.

[ August 03, 2003, 12:40 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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Thanks for help im reading the guide right now.

One last question though I could not find in my quick search. Does the computer cheat when you use Fog of War? I tried a game using it and it seemed that the computer always knew where to attack. Ive read about spotting points, so I was aware of using plans and such to help, but I still got beat up.

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Originally posted by poots:

Does the computer cheat when you use Fog of War?

Funny you should ask. I never thought it did and there were threads asking for it to. But last night I decided to play the A.I. when my connection went down and I now think it does not use fog, on expert +2 anyway. It found one of my sneaky transports that humans never catch and had no way of spotting it. I found it a much more challenging exercise than I remember it being. But in the end it is still an AI and doesn't hold a candle to human opponents.
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Interesting -- I always thought the +0,1 or 2 meant the AI's units started off with that many medals and always kept it on +0. It's been a long time since I've played the AI, but if +2 on expert means it plays better and the computer isn't using FoW while the human does, it might be a useful setting. Though, as you say, it will still be more predictable and less imaginative than a human opponent.

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