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CVM AAR Part 4: Fighting alone.

As 1940 turned into 1941, the English could breathe at least a small sigh of relief. After all, they had defended their island successfully. However, they were still alone in this war with tyranny. With the evacuation of XX corps, the last allied troops had left the continent, the people of Europe were now completely under the control of the That Guttersnipe Hitler. The Germans entered Bergen without resistance. No one would have bothered anyway, for it appeared that they would be there for a long, long, long time.


While Mi6 was desperately trying to procure any information on German troops movements. In a session of the war cabinet on February 2nd, Churchill outlined his plans for 1941.

1) The strengthening of the Mediterranean front.

2) A small raid on the Continent, temporarily holding a port.

3) The Defense of any countries attacked by Germany.

4) Maintain the channel front.

5) Eliminate the U-boat menace.

”How do you propose we go about the situation in the Mediterranean?” Asked Churchill.

”Sir,” Desmond Morten spoke up, “We have a temporary Naval superiority, I suggest we use this opportunity to deploy new units to Egypt. We have suspicions that Greece, and possibly Iraq will soon be in Herr Hitler’s cross hairs.”

”Yes, I agree, Greece is worth defending, from there we can attack the crocodile in its soft underbelly!” said Churchill.

”Crocodile? Sir?”

”Hmm, what of Yugoslavia, their government seems to be leaning toward the axis cause.”

”Our agents say that despite the governments feelings, the population is largely pro-allied.” Replied General Allen.

”Sir, I suggest that we withdraw the Mediterranean fleet to Alexandria; they are in an exposed position. We don’t know if the Luftwaffe has any presence there yet.” Interjected First Lord Of the Admiralty Collinsworth.

”Hmm, yes, make it so.” Replied Churchill.

The first quarter of 1941 passed without incident, with no sides making any major moves. Most of the combat was restricted to the daily Dogfights over France and England.


On March 2nd, Convoy Charlie left Manchester, carrying with it the Former BEF. Their destination this time however was not France, but Egypt. Because of this convoys importance, it was escorted by the flotillas headed by Courageous, Hood, and Rodney.

Then on April 13th, an angered Morten rushes into Churchill’s office. “Sir, Hungary has allied with the Germans!”

”This is not good,” replied Churchill,” Now the Yugoslavians are outflanked completely, I can only pray that their resistance, if it ever comes will be somewhat prolonged.”

By April 30th, the BEF was passing through the straits of Gibraltar. It was a surprise that the U-boats had not made an appearance. It appeared that they just might make it to Egypt after all.


Then, On May 11th, the most feared question of the War Cabinet was answered. The Germans declared war on Yugoslavia! The XVI Panzer Group cuts right down the center of the country, attacking Belgrade under the cover of the luftwaffe. The Slavs were now but in half, the Italian-German attackers quickly overcame her troops in the eastern half of the country. Yugoslavia had survived the initial onslaught, but it appeared they wouldn’t survive long.

Finally, Mi6 has a breakthrough! The bulk of German military traffic is heading east! The Germans are building up along the border with Russia! Churchill notifies Stalin of Hitler’s treachery, but is shunned away.


”We have a peace treaty.” Says Stalin.

On May 25th 364 days after Germany invaded France, Bulgaria signs a military pact with the Axis. Now the entirety of the Balkans were either allied or controlled by Germany. On June 8th the Germans entered Belgrade, Yugoslavia immediately surrendered. However, a man by the name if Tito retreated into the mountains, his plan: wage a guerilla war against the man occupying his homeland. Another country falls to axis tyranny. By June 15th, the BEF passes Malta, beginning their final leg toward Alexandria. Their deployment must be rushed. The Italians are up to something.

On June 22nd the Italian invade Greece. They put up Spartan Like resistance but succumb to the Roman onslaught in 2 days. Now, all of the Balkan States were under the Nazi Jackboot.

The night of June 22nd is an ominous one at 10 Downing Street. Churchill stayed up late, as usual. Finally retiring at 2 am. He is awakened abruptly at 4:30.

”Who is it now?” asked Churchill

His glass of Brandy dropped to the floor.

6 hours later, he was again in front of the assembly at the House of Commons.


”Gentlemen, at four o’clock this morning Hitler attacked, and invaded……………”

Now the British weren’t alone. They had survived by themselves, but now, the fate of the world did not lie in the hands of Churchill, but in the hands of a bloodthirsty tyrant.

This time, however, that tyrant was not Hitler.


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