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Question for the Group now playing v1.06 patch?


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From the SC Current v1.06 patch rules:

**Large buildup of Axis forces along German/Soviet border will increase soviet Entry
Since you have to Garrison the border where can you build up your German troops along the Soviet border? How many and how many hexes away?? :eek:

Does anybody know??? :confused: I can not find it anywhere in the new rules????

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Hmm...playing 1.06 as Axis a few times, I have yet to notice a sharp increase in Soviet readiness until you have kept a pretty large force there for awhile.

In my current PBEM game I had about 5 tanks, 4 armies, a couple HQ's, a couple Corps and a few planes and Russian readiness stayed at about 42% for a few turns before it started jumping 10% a turn around mid-1940.

Conversely, against the computer, I've usually left a few Corps near the border and I never saw any increase in Russian readiness for quite a few turns.

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