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"Russia Devastated" in one turn?


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The time was late November 1941 and an ominous breeze of uncertainty blew across the western steppes of Russia. The rains, mud, and familiar snowfall had not come this year (SC weather), yet the optimistic people of the Motherland looked to the holiday season with the promise of a mundane winter.......It was "not to be".

Like a knife through butter, water through a sieve, the German juggernaut struck wreaking havoc as flames through a dried forest. Eight (L2) armies, 8 groups of steel horses (L2) and 5 screeching flocks of "Birds of Prey" (L1), spitting fire and brimstone, descended upon the peace loving colossus known as the USSR. The 9 Red armies of the frontier backed by reserve tank groups and supported by the obsolete Red airforce fought galantly to stem the Nazi tide, but alas, ....it was "not to be". One could hope this "maelstrom of death" would be localized to the forward deployments, but the daggers of Pz IV F2s and mammoth Tiger tanks penetrated deeply (SC scale=250 miles)into the heart of the Motherland destroying both reserve tank groups. Even the picturesque Baltic city of Riga did not escape the ravages. It was now silent there save for the clanking Tigers and 'scruch , scruch' of hobnailed boots sending the citizens cowaring in their false havens. Only in the south one bastion remained.. "Heil Odessa".. its garrisoning army stood against the Axis hord (minors) as its sister army (strength 4) limped to the east, the sole survivor. It was over in a flash and now the great wounded Bear, slathering a crimson trail behind, crawled to the east, but wait, one last tearful glimpse back to the west, yes the west....the western democracies, would they come, would they help?

Yes my fellow SC patrons this is the scene bestowed upon me in one turn. Perpetrated by the efficient Feld Marshall RB and his unrelenting armed forces I have been the recipient of the most devastating one turn sequence in the history of my SC competition. Last night, a night that will live in infamy on my hard drive, half a million men and a thousand tanks perished in the blink of an eye and I was hapless to do a thing. Surely some of you have experienced a similar event. I told the tribunal those were not my forward deployments and there were others who had a comparable incident. But now as I write my memoirs on the stone walls of my cell, I need to be consoled by fellow SC patrons, so let me hear about those "devastating one moves" you have been subjected to. Be quick with your replies as I will be shot in the morning.

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Your ditch is ready, if you would be so kind as to kneel at the edge. Comrade Stalin is greatly disappointed. Click... Click

I found it fun a couple of times to stick russia on nuetral. Then attack in 1944 or 1945. They are at their 1941 level when they start, and of course you have tons of panzers and air units to blitz with.

I just wish there was a way to conduct research, build and place units before a country goes to war.

That would be nice. It would allow you to give your enemy a nasty suprise. Instead of the predictable attack. Such as being able to park the Royal Navy off the Italian Navy spawn spots and blast away.

Someday maybe.

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Everyone at The Still is chipping in to have a monument put up. Nothing big, but we're all sure you'd have liked it.

In writing your memoirs on the walls did you first have to erase those of the previous occupant?

The Soviet Front commanders who were called back to Moscow in those first weeks and never seen again, were all executed for putting troops where they didn't want them! smile.gif

[ January 30, 2003, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Ahh, yes thanks JJ and to all at "The Still", but let it be a monument to my impetuous stupidity of goading such a master strategist as RB into battle. I am seriously overmatched and soon the USSR will cease to exist. I have learned much, but unfortunately the knowledge will succumb to the creeping algae that forever recycles the inscriptions of my cell walls.

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8 level 2 panzer armies by Nov '41 ? :eek: :eek: Dang, throw in the air fleets and headquarters to go with 'em and that's not chump change MPP. Guess I better practice some more against the AI before I start playing people who can do things like that. :D

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Mr. Hueristic.........Hello?.....What? Excuse me Mr.H......"Comrade SeaMonkey the General Staff wishes another debriefing. They think you may have additional information and if it is useful they may commute your sentence to hanging." Oh Gee that's better! Did you hear that Mr.H, perhaps a reprieve? Now I need your valuable input as I agree I allowed for too great an initial expansion. Briefly, that dastardly RB took Denmark, L.Countries, Norway, and Sweden in sequential one turn moves; Poland lasted 2; and France till early July 40. I was able to kill 1 army, 1 panzer and reduce another panzer to one, but it cost me 2 carriers, in the French debacle. While all the minors joined in succession, I nipped and held Bergen and Brest for awhile. I was a good boy and did not use any gambuts, I promised not to attack Italy B/4 the game started (as a gambut). Now, Mr.H, for my memoirs, for the General Staff, what could I have done better? Anyone! My life, my neck, depends on it!

You guys ought see this. Most of the 4th Inf. is moving their equipment through this port presently, Bradleys, Abrams, Humvees, Strykers WOW! Heavy lift naval vessels, I think my Red Army is going to last longer than Iraq's.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Now, Mr.H, for my memoirs, for the General Staff, what could I have done better?

Well for one you told him you would not gambit. He then had the luxury of knowing he did not have to protect from that style play. This was a huge mistake on your part. Never tell an opponent what you will do(not if you want a chance of winning). Just knowing that i will take Low on turn 2 forces my opponents to play a much different game. that alone sets the stage for entire game progression. for example in the game i'm in with rambo right now he took low on turn 2 but in doing so he had to remove his hq's from poland. I inflicted serious causaulties on him in poland because of this. and then when he used them in france they were niether Unwounded noe as experienced than if he had the luxury to wait till turn 3 or 4. If you don't at least bloody italies nose when u can you might as well evacuate to gilbraltor and suez and wait for America. But a good axis Player will keep usa readiness low by thier country selections and will keep russian readiness low by knowing what units and in what quantity to place on thier border.

As far as the rest it sure looks like you did a good job and there was nothing i can see that you could have done better. It always feels satisfying to take out a panzer or 2 though. smile.gif

I actually got one in poland once cuase of this. Remeber just knowing a gambit "CAn" happen is a strategy to play in itself.

I recommend going without the blindfold. And ask for a few of them Long leg'd german hussies smile.gif that's a Sweet last request. :D

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You get a reprieve and we lose the downpayment on that monument, but we're pulling for you anyhow.

Maybe we'll keep it even if they don't hang you. It's sort of a birdbath with a statue of a guy hinding behind a tree, you know, like he's being shot at and he's really terrified.

As far as suggestions we all agree with Hueristic. You were, uhhh, you are, too honest for your own good. And that's what we inscribed on the birdbath, uhhh the monument: "In memory of Good Old SeaMonkey, a man of his word and a man of honor, but in most other ways he was sensible enough."

There was some other stuff we would have inscribed but we ran out of space.

[ January 31, 2003, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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We're brewing a new batch. Sad times at the old still, except for the birds. They ought to shoot the damn messenger, not you. Just goes to show, timing really is everything!

One of the guys is writing a song, something about how where ever a new batch is a'brewing, or a little bird snipping happily at some fresh water, that's were our old friend SeaMonkey will . . . can't remember the rest of the words but as you can imagine it's really touching, especially after an hour or two of sampling the merchandise.

We're trying to sober up the widda Hotchkiss so she can sing the The Ballad of SeaMonkey at the Grand Unveiling. Curious thing, she's okay till we say the song's about SeaMonkey, then she gets irrational and violent. Crazy old biddy! Well, she either croons or we cut her credit. Like I warned her, life isn't as pretty when you're sober. Hate to see her cry, but somebody's got to sing the damn thing -- I mean, the Requem Ballad.

[ February 01, 2003, 04:50 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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