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Hubert: "fuel" MPP costs feasible?


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Would it be possible to include "fuel" costs for certain unit types? I am speaking specifically of surface naval and air units.

I frequently run into two particular situations:

1) The French 'suicide' their fleets against the Kriegsmarine or La Regia Marina. There is almost no downside to this, as a chance to become "Free" is only one in five, so it's much better to trade off the soon to be gone French for the German or Italian fleets. If there was a fuel cost associated with moving fleets, then the French player would be forced to spend MPP's on a naval raid _or_ reinforcing Paris.

2) The Luftflotte continues to strike with full strength well into the endgame. I have several times reduced Germany to only the German core cities. The problem becomes apparent when the Germans withdraw their Air Fleets into the interior and pound away at the invaders. There are usually 4-6 such fleets, and they're usually at Jet 5 with some long range action thrown in for good measure. Since the German Air Fleets tend to be around the longest, they accrue max experience. This results in at least two American/British armies being destroyed each turn, simply through air power. Air to air fights with Allied units result in the Allied air unit in either being wiped out totally, or reduced to a 1 or a 2.

This uber-Luftflotte usually accounts for the fact that I have been unable to take any significant part of Germany with the western Allies, leaving the Russians to overrun all of Germany, and frequenly parts of France as well.

I know that SC is not meant to model the war precisely, but is more of a beer and pretzels approach, leaning towards playablity and quick completion. However, if you could put in associated operational fuel costs for some units, then the game would force the player into making some tough choices, instead of pressing the "bomb them all to hell" button 5 times and watching enemy ground forces vanish.

How about a small MPP cost every time you want to fly an Air Fleet, with the cost being proportional to the tech level of the Air Fleet? Maybe 5 MPP at tech 1, rising to 20 MPP at lv 5?

Also, for surface naval units, a small MPP cost any time they are not in, or adjacent to, a friendly port?

Thanks for your consideration, and hoping that this would be easy to implement.

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