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Well got the game last week due to my disappointment with Hearts of Iron. So far I am enjoying it but i am such a noob that I got killed my first game in with Germany

My question is this: will Russia always declare war with Germany in 1941, or can this be avoided. I saw that one of the triggers may be a weakly defended border.

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Originally posted by Hudson:

Well got the game last week due to my disappointment with Hearts of Iron. So far I am enjoying it but i am such a noob that I got killed my first game in with Germany

My question is this: will Russia always declare war with Germany in 1941, or can this be avoided. I saw that one of the triggers may be a weakly defended border.

I don't know the exact dates but YES art a pre-determined point. June 41 I think War readiness is increased in russia by 10 every turn. So get units on that border! Lol
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Welcome Hudson to the SC Forum!

To answer your question in detail will require more information on your part on the situation.

But without this knowledge, this should help for now;

To help reduce Russian entry post 2 Corp 1 each in the Polish cities. These 2 corps will act as garrisoned units and will slow the further advancement of the Russian Entry.

There are many other Russian Entry advancements to consider.

One of the biggest is DOW against minor countries. Each will advance the Russian entry differently.

Hope this helps for now!

"Humble SC Member"

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Yeah basically I got my ass handed to me heh heh

I looked up and it was June 1940 and I realized that I couldnt even finish taking Belgium let alone France! I was playing poorly I will admit, kinda jumped in without doing all my reading so to say.

Anyway 1941 rolled around and then I saw a message saying Russia was preparing for war and I was like OH BOY. ALL my divisions were on the french border and then Russia declared war.

Needless to say I had relied on the fact that i had not provoked Russia and that they would stay nuetral. I was wrong LOL.

Yup, had to start that game over.

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Welcome aboard. The only way to improve is to lose. If you want to win Hubert included a scenario editor. Use it the way I do, create your own pair of games for 1939, one for the Germans and the other for the Allies.

The Axis Version gets all L5 research levels. You get to crush everyone by 1942 and can spend 1943 stomping around the room giving grandiose speeches about the triumph of the supermen.

The Allied Version also gets all L5 research levels with the U. S. and USSR set at 95% war entry levels (setting them at 100% would be unsporting). By 1941 the ranting hun will be disposed of and you can sit back with an oversized brandy snifter and a good cigar and begin writing your memoirs.

Or, you play those other scenarios with their efforts at play balance. Play Balance! Ever hear an idea as ridiculous as that! smile.gif

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

The Axis Version

The Allied Version

I was fiddling around with the scenario editor and created...

The Polish Version

That's where I stuck a british army in EVERY SINGLE HEX of poland.

Poland lasted a while, but after it surrendered sometime in early 1941 those british armies in the soviet half got stuck there. Then when the USSR and Germany went to war it kept soviet units from the game cause they were in it's start hexes.

Just crazy! :D

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Glad you mentioned that. I've had similar odd things happen in my Brest-Litovsk scenario when German were placed in the Ukrain and I'd neglected to remove the Soviet Units that had their initial deployment there.

I've found creating lopsided scenarios can be enjoyable. I keep trying to give the Germans L5 Rockets at the start. It's a sickness. smile.gif

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Of course.

If you're really having trouble with the game, play the Axis against the AI in the basic '39 scenario and set the U. S. and USSR to neutral, that way you can invade Russia at your leisure and won't have to worry about the U. S. entering early. If you find that becomes easy set the U. S. war entry to 0% and it will enter later than it's historical setting (unless you go nuts and invade everything) and keep the USSR at neutral. When that becomes to easy set the USSR at 0% entry as well. By that time you'll be reasonably skilled and will not need to hold anything back.

There's tons of good playing advice in numerous forums and plenty of history background advice as well. Your best bet is to poke around a bit, don't be afraid to visit previous forum pages working your way backwards from this page.

As forums go without new postings they begin to drop and gradually move to higher numbered pages. If someone goes back to them and makes a new entry they're resurrected and appear at the top of the list. As a result some very old forums will be ahead of some much newer ones.

The forums with the padlocks are dead in this site but in some cases might have been moved to the General Forum, which, to quote the movie Beetleguise is something like "Death for the dead!" -- More accureatly ideas that are not game related.

So, there it is, you've managed to exhaust my knowledge of these sundried topics. Hope it was of some help.

[ January 09, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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There used to be a seperate site for that but we've been condensed. I hope you noticed Kuniworth's invitiation to a game listed above.

The best way to attract opponents is to just start a forum asking for them. Or you can try my approach, take every opportunity to say you can't set aside much time to play and you aren't a great player, etc., and it seems people will start e-mailing you looking for a game!

Most of the guys here who like to play a lot -- principally Rambo, Brian the Wise, Carl von Mannerheim, Zappsweden Hueristic, Comrade Trapp 82nd Airborne and my apologies to whoever I failed to mention -- like to do it via IP, which is more fun, but you need to set aside a lot of consecutive hours to finish a game in one sitting. Of course, it can always be saved and resumed anytime later.

The process is reasonably quick per move but you have lulls while your opponent is moving, so when you play this way you need to have some music you enjoy, perhaps a good book and a folding table for meals. smile.gif

[ January 09, 2003, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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