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SC: Newbies advice Primary for Axis


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I'm going to give you newbies some advice. Since I can't beat Rambo-Sweden or Terif and couldn't put Plin out I'm starting to collect enough information to know...

First of all, time is of the essence.. if your allies and you suspect a SeaLion, pull out of France early<they usually pull air out too>. If you're Axis, focus 4-6 air units on France... to break through the ardenne hexes next to the Maginot Line. Fill the holes with your corps...

DOW Denmark on rnd1 always and pound away for experience with both cruisers plant the sub in the one blocking hex. Don't hunt Poland down, it's a waste transfer enough forces over to take out LC during rnd2. That should prove to be no significant problem if you practice a few times with the computer. Poland will fall if you must aid with an airfleet you purchase from Plunder. Rarely, only a couple cases have I ever had Poland run away free with it. Often on rnd2 a disorganized Ally and some luck on your dice and you can begin smashing Allied forces along the LC French border<even killed a few armies here or there>

After you amass 5-6 airfleets, if you don't need the extra airfleets buy Rommel. Get yourself a good Commander and put him to work for you and keep him off the paved road. In fact keep all your HQs off open territory. Forests, Mountains, City hexes provide better protection and sometimes a few hexes back is better than any. Always make sure that your units that you're striking with have max readiness...that's what's ready to fight the rest is sitting in the vehicle spawn getting lube jobs...

After your done with France, move HQ and air towards Norway invasion. Strike with at least 2 armies and 1 corps to transfer in and the 2 air fleets to smoosh the oslo corps... Ignore If the Allies land to the west. Move in on Sweden and clean her up with 4-5 mixed armies landing on her coast with your Cruisers to smash up the Swedes and it shouldn't take you more than 3 rounds to kill Sweden.

After that you've got an open doorway of opportunity. Depends on the date... If it took you till Fall to kill France time is against you and you must rush rush rush everything. Focus only on Jet tech. If on the other hand he retreated you can spend some time popping chits on AT, IT, and even heavy tanks. Finally adding in some LR fighters...

You'll find right off that subs are extremely valuable, with an air unit in the right place, you can sink a UK BS often and they become in short supply of the Allied player is bold.

<sidenote: the Eastern Front requires Axis units on it as the Axis minors come in. depending you want to keep from 4 then up to 10 there before full mobilization>

Now assuming you know how to take Egypt. If no Navy is there, Drop unlimited Italian and german tranports onto into a sideways type swiping motion. I usually pick up Malta along the way for either experience for my Italian fleet or good for killing a UK fighter. Use corps and subs as recons don't waste more valuable units. keep your units in proper echelon to intercept in the sea especially... Use your wits about you and get in location to take Iraq, with a half a dozen mixed Italian-German corps...and 2-3 airfleets. At the same time move the Experienced Italian fleet back to the rock, to pound through Gibraltar before the Americans come in. You can if you like leave some air in France with a decent commander to protect your flank. Although there are a trillion schools of thought..#1 is get out of the Med now you don't need to garrison every single city there. And take Greece while you're at it...mind you all this before you DOW the Red Bear..

To invade Russia:

Line em up, all HQ supported. There are a ton of ways to get in their and do damage. Best way is find what works for you in HotSeat. with 41 barbarossa campaign. I can usually take Odessa rnd1 or ensure most of the Russian armies are destroyed. Tanks though people are against them can be handy on the Eastern Front. I have found more often than not you are going to get more bang for you buck with them then corps if the Russian is disorganized. Cut him from Leningrad to the 3 mines in the south. I'd leave Smolensk until you're reorganized to face the Ruskie Reinforcement Team. From Rostov-Smolensk-Leningrad and depending on the # of Red Units calls em up... You want to have your maxed out readiness. Use your axis minors and italian corps to occuppy cities.

There you go. There are players that can kill all 9 Russian armies or with LR fighters the airfleet s. of Riga as well. Can't ask for much better than that. You have to tweak your situation there... A lot depends on how well you expanded, your minor hopping. The Air is used to kill the everexpansive Russian Corp industry. You have to prevent him from locking you down. Bogging you down. You gotta move city to city cut his resources... The Americans and the UK will have the air and naval supremacy and you can decide to switch over and delay them... Though if you want to win primary goal is to push through the ruskies and slow the Allies... A lot is dependant about tech

Make sure that by 41 Barbarossa you've got 3-4 chits on Jets!

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