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Problems with the French


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In my latest game, I discovered a problem with The French in their various incarnations.

In 1940, I held against the Germans for a while, but they eventually shattered the line near Brussles and I knew that it was only a matter of time before France fell. I decided to do something that probably seems "gamey" and pulled as much of the French army out as possible over the next three turns while a French and a British corps delayed the fall of Paris. The rest of the Army I pulled out and landed in England. I came out with a corps, a HQ, the air fleet, a tank and three armies. (Yeah, it seems like a lot but the Germans had the plunder from Poland, Denmark and the Low Countries not to mention a lucky fight in Poland with little casualties. I faced an overwhelming force that these units were not going to stop).

Anyway, long story short, Germany gets into a war with Russia, the US enters the war and I prepare my D-Day to take pressure off Russia. Eventually, a combined force of British, Americans and French land in France and Italy (I did a landing in Italy one turn earlier to draw off forces once and then force the AI to shift again when I showed up off Europe). We fight, we liberate Paris and, thus, France.

Problem 1: Now, all "Free French" units stay that way and capture territory for England, not France. Shouldn't they revert to French units.

We fight a few turns and I decide to take Vichy France back to give France some MPPs.

Problem 2: Vichy France does not surrender. I wiped out both fleets and both corps (leaving only the one in Palestine). One capital was captured by Americans and the other by "Free" French on the same turn. They never switch their capital and never surrender. I note during all this that vichy france was in "British" colors, not French blue. I also found out that if I build fresh French units, they capture land for France. I resorted to putting a real French corps with the French army to capture capitals. I still couldn't get Vichy France to surrender though, even with a real french unit in both capital cities. I did manage to capture Romania for France with such a unit though.

I wonder whats going on?

[ August 24, 2002, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: benkarl ]

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I think that after the fall of France the "Free French" units really are handled as British units. If France is liberated, the units obviously stay British. If Hubert would make the game "remember" any Free French units, then he could code it so that those units become French again in case of liberation (I hope he will consider doing this).

There are alot of issues with Vichy, for example that it can not be reunited with France after France is liberated. That they also have problems surrendering to the Allies is a new one, though.


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Just a thought - weren't all Free French units equipped and supplied by either the British or the Americans, even after Paris was liberated? Leaving those units as British would mean that the British pay for their replacements, not the French, which seems more accurate. Of course, I think the Free French only fought with the Americans (once the US landed in North Africa) because of friction with the British, so maybe they should switch to the US at some point...

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