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1939 Campaign Mod


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Originally posted by Bill Macon:

I've sent an update to Otto for posting. v1.01

fixes hex control for Brest and renames cruiser "RCN" for Royal Canadian Navy. I don't know how Brest became British - sorry.

I downloaded Bill's 1939 Campaign Mod from Otto's Strategic Command HQ site; but, the only Mod there is Bill's original which he has corrected in version 1.01. :confused:

Must mean that Otto has too busy to update his site; so, just so everyone knows -- the link that Bill provided to his Mod at the beginning of this thread will only provide you with the original and not updated version of his Mod.

[ December 12, 2002, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: sogard ]

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I sent Otto unzipped files last night and they got corrupted by Hotmail. I resent zipped files about half an hour ago, so they should get posted soon. In the meantime, the Brest hex control issue is very easy to edit on your own. Let me know how it works out.

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So far, I have to say that I really do like Bill's 1939 Campaign Mod and it will earn a permanent place on my hard drive. It is a way to spice up the game and I very much like the addition of the reduced HQ and units in Egypt as it melds well with the new naval route around Africa in version 1.06. I also like the edge given the Germans in experience and the overall tweaks to tech found at start. Bill has made the U-Boats a more potent threat in the Atlantic through Tech and this again melds well into version 1.06 because it is now more difficult to switch research from one area to another.

Nice job Bill.

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Thanks. No word from Otto yet. Like I said, editting Brest in the current mod is easy to do yourself.

Immer Etwas and I are in the middle of a tcp/ip game using the mod and it's moving along fine. I'd like to think the mod changes are play balanced for both human and AI play, but most are oriented toward enhancing solo games - primarily in the Med since the AI doesn't reinforce Egypt. [Yes Rambo, we KNOW the AI doesn't count, but it is an integral feature of this fine game for a darn good reason and many intelligent people actually use it. tongue.gif ]

Based on some comments, here are a few proposed changes for v1.02:

- Restore original Polish setup with Pomorze Army as previously discussed to prevent a 1-turn victory.

- Add a British 2-factor Air Fleet in Egypt

- Add a German 2-factor Strategic Bomber for balance.

- Move a British fleet from Britain to Malta. (This will make the North Atlantic campaign even more exciting!)

- Bump up US starting research to 3 chits, and perhaps bump up USSR to 4 chits (or maybe add 125 MPPs for 1/2 chit.)

I want to wait until Otto gets the latest version posted and players have a chance to comment before I make any more updates. Any and all feedback is useful.

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