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Fastest Game of SC in history

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Today i played a friend of mine that had recently acquired the game. He was Allies, I was Axis, 1939 campaign. France fell in Feb. 1940, due to a breakthrough in the Ardennes and a failed Allied invasion of the Low countries (he had never heard of any type of Gambit). I then crushed the Royal Navy which was all in the Channel. The First German truppen to land on British Soil landed at Edinburgh(OOPs he forgot to garrison that Coast!

Only 2 Units were left int he UK to fight the invaders. On June 14. 1940, Panzers Rolled into London. Game time: 34 Minutes.


[ January 04, 2003, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: Carl Von Mannerheim ]

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Ok first of all PATRICK if that is your real name.

1.It was 35 minuts (excuse my spelling i go to a public school)

2.You know you had a challange.

3.Tomarrow Sunday were playing and im gonna win.

4.You should of beat me in 34 minuts. But no to make it n00bed you have to beat me in 34 minutes. You beat me in 35. Deffinitally not n00bed. Yes i am going on and on and on and on. Pat when you get this message call me.

5.And no the germans shouldn't of won WW2 it was the allies all the way bud.


*yes i realize this was a completley useless reply to getting n00bed and it was a very sad day on my part.

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Black Night...CVM captured London in June of 1940...you were noobed. In most games, when June of 1940 comes around, the Germans are usally just begining to breakthough French lines (with the Dutch Gambit it takes even longer). CVM managed to capture Paris, gain air superiority over England, destroy the Royal Navy, and capture London...that is no easy task. But it does sound like it was you first time playing so this is expected. Just look around at some of the threads that talk about defending France or Allied Stratigies and you'll soon come up tatics to use against the Axis. After you pratice a little, challenge CVM to a rematch and beat the hell out of him. I suggest you play against Rambo a little, he will tare you apart but you will gain some experiance and he may even give you some tips (after he rubs his victory in your face)

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Originally posted by The Black Knight:

Ok first of all PATRICK if that is your real name.

1.It was 35 minuts (excuse my spelling i go to a public school)

2.You know you had a challange.

3.Tomarrow Sunday were playing and im gonna win.

4.You should of beat me in 34 minuts. But no to make it n00bed you have to beat me in 34 minutes. You beat me in 35. Deffinitally not n00bed. Yes i am going on and on and on and on. Pat when you get this message call me.

5.And no the germans shouldn't of won WW2 it was the allies all the way bud.


*yes i realize this was a completley useless reply to getting n00bed and it was a very sad day on my part.

ROFL OMFG You DID join the forum

And btw, i meant that the Germans shouldve won the war in the EAST. But the problem with that is, you didnt last long enough to see a war in Russia.


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