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Reduce reinforcements when enemy units are adjacent, especially at city hexes!


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Please note a correction to my previous note:

I propose that you buy units at a core strenght of 3 or 4 points. If you want to bring them to full stregnth, you will need to take some time to reinfroce them.

You may chose to throw them to the frontlines without reinforcing them, but them you should expect them to have the same fate that many Russian units had when thrown to the frontline before being ready. ---i.e. they were easily wiped out by the German units.

As time went on, the endless wave of battle took a tall on the German units, and by the end of 1941 they were worn down and unable to take Moscow. But many untrainned Russian Soldiers paid dearly to wear down those Panzer Groups.

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Immer Etwas, your posting is underwhelming. England and France can buy corps practically every turn and you can move existing Canadian and English ground units to France. Leave the Maginot line as it is, the Germans have to go around through the Low Countries. By the time Germany takes over Poland and the Low Countries, allied troops can clog every available hex between Paris and the Low Countries. This results in the quagmired battlefield I stated.

So, Immer Etwas, please don’t criticize what you don’t understand as you’ve done on more than one occasion. I’ve never asked anyone to adopt my way of thinking. What I wish for are toggle-able options so that the game can be customized for everyone. We don’t have to agree on the options for us both to be happy. Recommend your toggle-able options at will – I’ll have the courtesy not to be blindly obstinate.

EV, you on the other hand, continue to post truly erudite ideas. Your critical insight and recommended improvements could help make SC a classic. I only hope the SC staff takes note of all the gems you have provided.

[ October 31, 2002, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: dougman4 ]

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I just wonder, if realistically, all these options we discuss can be "toggleable". I would think that programming such diverse options would be tantamount to designing two completlely different game engines and that switching only certain facets of it on and off would be difficult. Perhaps someone more learned than myself can provide more information as to the feasibility of actually having these suggestions as options and not hard programmed into the game.

It seems to me, that whenever a heated debate developes over a specific feature request, we all tend to fall back on the "let's make it toggleable" party line, in order to appease all parties. I wonder however if throwing that option out there amounts to nothing more than spitting into the wind.

[ October 31, 2002, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: J Wagner ]

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JWagner, the beauty of SC is that it lends itself to be customizable. This isn’t a graphics and sound intensive 3-D game engine. Most if not all of the options below would require VERY little coding. None of these options affects graphics (well maybe stacking), sound, the supply system (HQ units), or combat resolution calculations. This is why I think SC is a potential cult classic blockbuster for the developers; they can make this game endlessly appealing for everyone!

1. Allowing to a unit to fire after it has moved and been deselected

2. Allowing a unit to move after it has fired (if it has not moved previously)

3. Reduced reinforcement (especially when enemy units are adjacent)

4. Restricted purchase of new units when enemy units are adjacent to a city

5. Newly purchased units start at a reduced strength

6. Turning off automatic defensive air sorties

7. Retreating/surrender

8. Overrun/blitz ability for tanks (allowing a tank unit to crush a weakened unit and move and/or fire again in the same turn)

9. Stacking units

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