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Set Difficulty Question


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Originally posted by SuperTed:


Yup. Trust me; it makes a difference...

I don't doubt that it makes a difference, I just want to know how?

Does it give more MPPs?, better AI? I'm curious as to what is the mechanism.

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My apologies. I should have been more specific. Quoting Hubert, "...every time anyone defeats a country you will get a victory/plundering bonus, so at the higher difficulty settings you the (human player) will get a little less for conquering a country, and the AI player will get a little more when it conquers a country.

In general victory/plundering bonuses are as follows:

- Conquering a minor: random value [250, 350]

- Conquering a major: random value [750, 1000]

So for each increasing difficulty level selected, you will collect -50 for each minor conquered and -100 for each major, while the AI would collect +50 and +100 respectively. It works the other way around if you select a decreased difficulty setting.

There are a few other adjustments on difficulty levels wrt % of naval units that become 'Free French', number of units that are transfered when 'War in Siberia' is not selected etc., but for the most part it seemed like this minor adjustment in victory/plundering MPP's helps to make the game a little more challenging for the human player while giving the AI (mostly Axis in this case since it is usually the one conquering countries) a little bit extra here and there to give it a fighting chance, but it still has to do it's job in taking out countries of course

In general the AI will play mostly the same for all difficulty setting since there are no adjustments for combat formulas or MPP cheating in the traditional sense, but it will undertake additional planning if things go well, (like the AI may invade Vichy France or Spain etc) and this usually happens when the AI is set with more experienced units or other adjustments have been made to either the difficulty settings or things like no 'Partisans' etc...."

I hope that answers your questions.

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It would be nice to see an AI that actually has different levels of ability, rather than simply giving it more MPPs and/or experience bonuses. Chess AIs use different number of turn look-aheads and some other adjustments to reflect different abilities, since you can't exactly provide extra chessmen or change the rules to cheat. If something similar could be done with the fuzzy logic in SC, that would be fantastic.

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